Planning Distributed Security

A security plan is an essential component of your Microsoft® Windows® 2000 deployment plan. Representatives of many of your deployment subteams will be involved in this task. This chapter guides you through a strategy for planning distributed security in your Windows 2000 network. It outlines the primary objectives for a distributed security plan and introduces the security features of Windows 2000.

This chapter puts into context the important factors to consider in order to use Microsoft Windows 2000 security effectively. However, distributed computer security is a fairly complex topic that you will need to research further.

In This Chapter

Developing a Network Security Plan

Authenticating All User Access

Applying Access Control

Establishing Trust Relationships

Enabling Data Protection

Setting Uniform Security Policies

Deploying Secure Applications

Managing Administration

Planning Task List for Distributed Security

Chapter Goals

This chapter will help you develop the following planning documents:

  • Security Risk Analysis

  • Security Strategies

  • Security Group Descriptions and Associated Policies

  • Network Logon and Authentication Strategies

  • Information Security Strategies

  • Administrative Policies