Microsoft HPC Pack Command Reference
This reference provides command descriptions and syntax for all HPC cluster-specific command-line commands used in Microsoft HPC Pack. The command-line commands provide a keyboard alternative to most actions that you would otherwise perform with HPC Cluster Manager or HPC Job Manager.
The following table lists the commands that HPC Pack provides. Differences between product versions are noted in the descriptions.
Command | Description |
cluscfg | Provides subcommands for viewing and changing the configuration of the HPC Job Scheduler Service. |
clusrun | Runs the specified command on multiple nodes and redirects the output of all instances of the specified command to the node on which you ran the clusrun command. |
etl2clog | Formats an event log (.etl) file as a CLOG event file for use with the Argonne National Laboratory Jumpshot viewer. |
etl2otf | Formats an event log (.etl) file as an Open Trace Format (.otf) file. |
hpcazurelog | Manages the trace log files for Windows Azure node deployments from HPC Pack. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2012 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and is not supported in previous versions. |
hpccred | Provides subcommands to manage credentials and soft card certificates. Note: These subcommands were introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and are not supported in previous versions. These subcommands extend or replace the corresponding cluscfg subcommands that are deprecated as of HPC Pack 2012. |
hpcfile | Uploads, downloads, deletes, or lists files on a cluster node, including Windows Azure nodes. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and is not supported in previous versions. |
hpcfwutil | Detects, clears, or repairs HPC-specific firewall rules for an HPC cluster. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 and is not supported in previous versions. |
hpcpack | Packages and uploads files to a Windows Azure storage account. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with SP1 and is not supported in previous versions. |
hpcsync | Deploys file packages from Windows Azure storage to Windows Azure nodes. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with SP1 and is not supported in previous versions. |
hpctrace | Manages the trace logs generated by the HPC services and HPC management tools. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 and is not supported in previous versions. This command was modified in HPC Pack 2012 and in HPC Pack 2012 with SP1. |
job | Provides subcommands for managing jobs. |
jobtemplate | Provides subcommands for managing job templates. |
mpiexec | Launches a Message Passing Interface (MPI) application. |
mpipingpong | Runs the Message Passing Interface (MPI) ping-pong test by sending packets of data back and forth between paired nodes repeatedly, and displays or saves the latency and throughput measurements and statistics from the test to an XML file. |
mpicsync | Correlates the event time-stamps for each of the .etl files. |
node | Provides subcommands for managing nodes. |
task | Provides subcommands for managing tasks. |
test | Provides subcommands for managing diagnostic tests. Note: This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 and is not supported in previous versions. |
Many of these commands each have multiple subcommands. For information about the subcommands of one of these commands, see the reference topic for the command.