How to Display Monitor Thresholds
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2, Operations Manager 2007 SP1
To display monitor thresholds, use the script described in this section. This script works for the majority of monitors. It creates a .csv file with the following columns and can be viewed using Microsoft Office Excel.
Column | Description |
Type |
The type of objects the monitor is targeted to |
DisplayName |
The display name of the monitor |
Threshold |
The threshold used by the monitor |
AlertOnState |
Determines whether the monitor generates an alert when the state changes |
AutoResolveAlert |
Determines whether the generated alert will be automatically resolved when the monitor state goes back to green |
AlertSeverity |
The severity of the generated alert |
Run the following script to create the .csv file that displays the monitor thresholds:
function GetThreshold ([String] $configuration)
$config = [xml] ("<config>" + $configuration + "</config>")
$threshold = $config.Config.Threshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
$threshold = $config.Config.MemoryThreshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
$threshold = $config.Config.CPUPercentageThreshold
if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.Threshold1 -ne $null -and $config.Config.Threshold2 -ne $null)
$threshold = "first threshold is: " + $config.Config.Threshold1 + " second threshold is: " + $config.Config.Threshold2
if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.ThresholdWarnSec -ne $null -and $config.Config.ThresholdErrorSec -ne $null)
$threshold = "warning threshold is: " + $config.Config.ThresholdWarnSec + " error threshold is: " + $config.Config.ThresholdErrorSec
if($threshold -eq $null)
if($config.Config.LearningAndBaseliningSettings -ne $null)
$threshold = "no threshold (baseline monitor)"
return $threshold
$perfMonitors = get-monitor -Criteria:"IsUnitMonitor=1 and Category='PerformanceHealth'"
$perfMonitors | select-object @{name="Target";expression={foreach-object {(Get-MonitoringClass -Id:$_.Target.Id).DisplayName}}},DisplayName, @{name="Threshold";expression={foreach-object {GetThreshold $_.Configuration}}}, @{name="AlertOnState";expression={foreach-object {$_.AlertSettings.AlertOnState}}}, @{name="AutoResolveAlert";expression={foreach-object {$_.AlertSettings.AutoResolve}}}, @{name="AlertSeverity";expression={foreach-object {$_.AlertSettings.AlertSeverity}}} | sort Target, DisplayName | export-csv "c:\monitor_thresholds.csv"