Frequently Asked Questions: Data Refreshes
Applies To: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1
In VMM 2008, the following refreshers are used to update data in the VMM database. Only the library refresher is configurable.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes.
Data updates:
Updates host properties, including disk, SAN, and host network configuration information (network adapters or virtual switches).
Does not check data related to virtual machines on the host or performance counters on hosts.
Manual refreshes:
VMM Administrator Console: Select the host, and click Refresh.
Windows PowerShell – VMM: Refresh-VMHost.
Every 30 minutes on each host.
Each time a virtual machine is selected in the VMM Administrator Console.
Each time a Refresh-VM cmdlet runs.
Data updates:
Updates all virtual machine properties, resource pools, cluster information, and snapshots for the virtual machine.
Does not update data from performance counters for the virtual machine.
Manual refreshes:
VMM Administrator Console: Select the virtual machine, and click Refresh.
Windows PowerShell – VMM: Refresh-VM.
Frequency: Every 2 minutes on each host.
Data updates:
Checks the host status to determine whether the VMM agent is running and the status of the virtualization software on the host.
Synchronizes the statuses of virtual machines deployed on the host.
Places virtual machines with missing objects in a Missing state.
Imports new virtual machines created outside VMM. When the refresher detects a new virtual machine, it imports the virtual machine into VMM and runs the VM Heavy Refresher to add virtual machine properties, resource pools, cluster information, and snapshots to the VMM database.
Manual refreshes: Not applicable. See “VMM Heavy Refresher,” earlier in this topic.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes.
Data updates:
Refreshes all cluster properties.
Imports newly added nodes to the VMM host cluster; removes nodes that have been destroyed outside VMM from the host cluster.
Manual refreshes:
VMM Administrator Console: Select the cluster, and click Refresh.
Windows PowerShell – VMM: Refresh-VMHostCluster.
Frequency: Every hour, by default. A different refresh interval can be configured (in one-hour increments), or library refreshes can be canceled. For more information, see How to Configure Library Refreshes.
Data updates:
Indexes the file-based resources on all library shares. For a list of file types that are indexed, see File Types That Are Indexed During a Library Refresh.
Updates the configurations of virtual machine templates, guest operating system profiles, and hardware profiles.
Manual refreshes:
VMM Administrator Console: Select a library server or library share, and click Refresh.
Windows PowerShell – VMM: Refresh-LibraryServer or Refresh-LibraryShare.
Every 9 minutes on each host.
After each action that changes the state of a virtual machine (for example, Start, Stop, or Store).
Data updates: Collects performance counter information for the host and for all virtual machines that are deployed on the host.
Manual refreshes: Not available.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes.
Data updates: Refreshes VMware VirtualCenter properties, VMware ESX Server hosts, and resource pools that the VirtualCenter server manages.
Manual refreshes:
VMM Administrator Console: In Administration view, expand Virtualization Managers, select the VirtualCenter server, and then click Refresh.
Windows PowerShell – VMM: Refresh-VirtualizationManager.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes.
Data updates: Updates the properties of user roles.
Manual refreshes: Not available.
Frequency: Every 30 seconds.
Data updates:
Discovers alerts that Operations Manager 2007 generates for hosts and virtual machines participating in Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO).
Reconciles current PRO tips data in the VMM database with the latest data from Operations Manager.
Manual refreshes: Not applicable.
How to Configure Library Refreshes
VMM Frequently Asked Questions