Hosted Email 2007::CreateUserPlan

This procedure creates a new plan for a user mailbox.


Input Arguments Required Description



The domain controller to use for Active Directory actions.



The Exchange Hosting Plan to apply to the user.



The description of the plan.



<features/ prohibitSendQuota>


This parameter specifies the mailbox size in bytes at which the user associated with this mailbox can no longer send messages. You must specify a positive integer between '1000' and '2,147,483,647'. If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.

<features/ issueWarningQuota>


This parameter specifies the mailbox size in bytes at which a warning message is sent to the user. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited." If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.

<features/ maxSendSize>


This parameter specifies the maximum size in bytes of messages that this mailbox can send. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."

<features/ maxReceiveSize>


This parameter specifies the maximum size in bytes of messages that this mailbox can receive. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."

<features/ prohibitSendReceiveQuota>


This parameter specifies the mailbox size in bytes at which the user associated with this mailbox can no longer send or receive messages. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited." If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.

<features/ recipientLimits>


This parameter specifies the maximum number of recipients per message to which this mailbox can send. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited." If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.

<features/ hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether this mailbox is hidden from other address lists.

<features/ imapEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the IMAP4 protocol is enabled for this mailbox.

<features/ popEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the POP3 protocol is enabled for this mailbox.

<features/ owaEnabled>


This parameter enables Outlook Web Access.

<features/ mapiEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the MAPI protocol is enabled for this mailbox.

<features/ activeSyncEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the ActiveSync is enabled for this mailbox.

<features/ mapiBlockOutlookNonCachedMode>


This parameter specifies whether Outlook can be used in non-cached mode.

<features/ mapiBlockOutlookRpcHttp>


This parameter specifies whether clients can connect to Outlook by using Outlook Anywhere.

<features/ owaAllAddressListsEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether all address lists are available in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaCalendarEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether calendaring is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaContactsEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether contacts are enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaChangePasswordEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether a user can change their password in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaJournalEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the Journal folder can be accessed in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaTasksEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether tasks are enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaNotesEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether Sticky Notes are enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaRemindersAndNotificationsEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether calendar reminders are enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaPremiumClientEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether Outlook Web Access Premium version is enabled.

<features/ owaSpellCheckerEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the spelling checker is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaSearchFoldersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether search folders are enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaSignaturesEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the signature feature is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaThemeSelectionEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether theme selection is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaJunkEmailEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether junk e-mail is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaUMIntegrationEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether Unified Messaging (UM) integration is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaActiveSyncIntegrationEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether Outlook Web Access Exchange ActiveSync mobile options are enabled.

<features/ owaUNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether Universal Naming Convention (UNC) access is permitted when users select This is a private computer on the logon page.

<features/ owaUNCAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether UNC access is permitted when users select This is a public or shared computer on the logon page.Access.

<features/ owaWSSAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether SharePoint Portal Server access is permitted when users select This is a private computer on the logon page.

<features/ owaWSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether SharePoint Portal Server access is permitted when users select This is a public or shared computer on the logon page.

<features/ owaPublicFoldersEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether the viewing of public folders is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaRecoverDeletedItemsEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether recovery of deleted items is enabled in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaRulesEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether rules can be accessed in Outlook Web Access. If this parameter is set to $false, server rules will continue to function, but cannot be modified in Outlook Web Access.

<features/ owaSMimeEnabled>


This parameter specifies whether viewing of e-mail that is encrypted by using S/MIME is supported in Outlook Web Access.


Modifying the attributes of a plan does not automatically apply these new values to the plan member.


The caller must be at least a member of role: DomainAdmin.

Schema Definition


        <preferredDomainController>1..1 </preferredDomainController> 
        <planName>1..1 </planName> 
        <description>1..1 </description> 
                <prohibitSendQuota>1..1 </prohibitSendQuota> 
                <issueWarningQuota>0..1 </issueWarningQuota> 
                <maxSendSize>0..1 </maxSendSize> 
                <maxReceiveSize>0..1 </maxReceiveSize> 
                <prohibitSendReceiveQuota>0..1 </prohibitSendReceiveQuota> 
                <recipientLimits>0..1 </recipientLimits> 
                <hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled>0..1 </hiddenFromAddressListsEnabled> 
                <imapEnabled>1..1 </imapEnabled> 
                <popEnabled>1..1 </popEnabled> 
                <owaEnabled>1..1 </owaEnabled> 
                <mapiEnabled>1..1 </mapiEnabled> 
                <activeSyncEnabled>0..1 </activeSyncEnabled> 
                <mapiBlockOutlookNonCachedMode>0..1 </mapiBlockOutlookNonCachedMode> 
                <mapiBlockOutlookRpcHttp>0..1 </mapiBlockOutlookRpcHttp> 
                <owaAllAddressListsEnabled>0..1 </owaAllAddressListsEnabled> 
                <owaContactsEnabled>0..1 </owaContactsEnabled> 
                <owaCalendarEnabled>0..1 </owaCalendarEnabled> 
                <owaChangePasswordEnabled>0..1 </owaChangePasswordEnabled> 
                <owaJournalEnabled>0..1 </owaJournalEnabled> 
                <owaTasksEnabled>0..1 </owaTasksEnabled> 
                <owaNotesEnabled>0..1 </owaNotesEnabled> 
                <owaRemindersAndNotificationsEnabled>0..1 </owaRemindersAndNotificationsEnabled> 
                <owaPremiumClientEnabled>0..1 </owaPremiumClientEnabled> 
                <owaSpellCheckerEnabled>0..1 </owaSpellCheckerEnabled> 
                <owaSearchFoldersEnabled>0..1 </owaSearchFoldersEnabled> 
                <owaSignaturesEnabled>0..1 </owaSignaturesEnabled> 
                <owaThemeSelectionEnabled>0..1 </owaThemeSelectionEnabled> 
                <owaJunkEmailEnabled>0..1 </owaJunkEmailEnabled> 
                <owaUMIntegrationEnabled>0..1 </owaUMIntegrationEnabled> 
                <owaActiveSyncIntegrationEnabled>0..1 </owaActiveSyncIntegrationEnabled> 
                <owaUNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled>0..1 </owaUNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled> 
                <owaUNCAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled>0..1 </owaUNCAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled> 
                <owaWSSAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled>0..1 </owaWSSAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled> 
                <owaWSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled>0..1 </owaWSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled> 
                <owaPublicFoldersEnabled>0..1 </owaPublicFoldersEnabled> 
                <owaRecoverDeletedItemsEnabled>0..1 </owaRecoverDeletedItemsEnabled> 
                <owaRulesEnabled>0..1 </owaRulesEnabled> 
                <owaSMimeEnabled>0..1 </owaSMimeEnabled>             


<executeData>1..1 </executeData>

Sample Code

Example XML Request

    <!--The domain controller to use for Active Directory actions.--> 
    <!--The unique name of the plan--> 
    <!--The description of the plan--> 
    <description>Platinum eMail services with full Outlook client access</description> 
      <!--Specifies the mailbox size at which the user associated with this mailbox can no longer send messages.  You must specify a positive integer.  If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.--> 
      <!--Specifies the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user.  You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."  If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.--> 
      <!--Specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can send. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."--> 
      <!--Specifies the maximum size of messages that this mailbox can receive. You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."--> 
      <!--Specifies the mailbox size at which the user associated with this mailbox can no longer send or receive messages.  You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."  If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.--> 
      <!--Specifies the maximum number of recipients per message to which this mailbox can send.  You must specify either an integer or "unlimited."  If you set this attribute on a mailbox, that mailbox setting overrides the value that is set for this attribute on the mailbox database.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether this mailbox is hidden from other address lists.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the IMAP4 protocol is enabled for this mailbox.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the POP3 protocol is enabled for this mailbox.--> 
      <!--Enables Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the MAPI protocol is enabled for this mailbox.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether ActiveSync is enabled for this mailbox.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Outlook can be used in non-cached mode.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether clients can connect to Outlook by using Outlook Anywhere.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether all address lists are available in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether contacts are enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether calendaring is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether a user can change their password in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the Journal folder can be accessed in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether tasks are enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Sticky Notes are enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether calendar reminders are enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Outlook Web Access Premium version is enabled.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the spelling checker is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether search folders are enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the signature feature is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether theme selection is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether junk e-mail is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Unified Messaging (UM) integration is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Outlook Web Access Exchange ActiveSync mobile options are enabled.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether Universal Naming Convention (UNC) access is permitted when users select This is a private computer on the logon page.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether UNC access is permitted when users select This is a public or shared computer on the logon page.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether SharePoint Portal Server access is permitted when users select This is a private computer on the logon page.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether SharePoint Portal Server access is permitted when users select This is a public or shared computer on the logon page.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether the viewing of public folders is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether recovery of deleted items is enabled in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether rules can be accessed in Outlook Web Access. If this parameter is set to 0, server rules will continue to function, but cannot be modified in Outlook Web Access.--> 
      <!--Specifies whether viewing of e-mail that is encrypted by using S/MIME is supported in Outlook Web Access.--> 
    <execute namespace="Hosted Email 2007" procedure="CreateUserPlan" impersonate="1"> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="preferredDomainController" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="planName" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="description" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="features" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" /> 

Example XML Response

        <data /> 

Applies To

Hosted Email 2007 Namespace for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

See also


Hosted Email 2007::AddAvailablePlans
Hosted Email 2007::ChangeUserPlanAssignment
Hosted Email 2007::CreateOrganizationPlan
Hosted Email 2007::GetOrganizationAvailablePlans
Hosted Email 2007::GetOrganizationPlan
Hosted Email 2007::GetUserPlanAssignment
Hosted Email 2007::GetServiceInformation
Hosted Email 2007::GetUserPlan
Hosted Email 2007::GetUserPlanAssignment
Hosted Email 2007::Initialize
Hosted Email 2007::ModifyOrganizationPlan
Hosted Email 2007::ModifyUserPlan
Hosted Email 2007::RemoveAvailablePlans
Hosted Email 2007::Subscribe
Hosted Email 2007::Unsubscribe