Managed Windows-based Hosting Web Service

This section describes a collection of public methods of the Managed Windows-based Hosting Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service included with the Microsoft Provisioning System (MPS). The methods exposed in the Web Service map directly to Managed Windows-based Hosting named procedures.

Public Methods

Public Method Description

Windows-based Hosting::CreatePlan

Adds a new plan to the available plans.

Windows-based Hosting::EnablePlan

Enables a plan.

Windows-based Hosting::DisablePlan

Disables a plan.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateResellerOrganization

Creates an organization according to the Reseller policy name.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateCustomerOrganization

Creates an organization according to the Customer policy name.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateUser

Creates a new user within a specified organization according to the policy name passed in as <policyName>.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteUser

Deletes a user, del-allocates resources, marks the user deleted in the plan database, and records a billing event.

Public Method Name [HMC SDK]

Windows-based Hosting::AddPlansToCustomer

Adds valid service plans to a customer organizational unit and reserves any resources as necessary.

Windows-based Hosting::RemovePlansFromCustomer

Removes service plans from a customer organizational unit and releases any resources as necessary.

Windows-based Hosting::QueryServicesByCustomer

Returns a listing of plans and provisioned services for a Customer organizational Unit.

Windows-based Hosting::QueryPlans

Returns a list of plans.

Windows-based Hosting::QueryCustomerPlans

Returns a list of plans for a specific customer.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateCustomerWebSite

Create a customer Web site and content directories.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteCustomerWebSite [HMC SDK2]

Delete a customer web site and associated directories.

Windows-based Hosting::ModifyCustomerWebSite

Modifies an existing hosted Web site.

Windows-based Hosting::ControlCustomerWebSite

Start, stop, or pause a specified Web site.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateCustomerSharepointSite

Create a Windows SharePoint Services site collection.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteCustomerSharepointSite

Deletes a Windows SharePoint Services site collection.

Windows-based Hosting::AddUsersToSharepointSiteRole

Adds a user to a Windows SharePoint Services site.

Windows-based Hosting::RemoveUsersFromSharepointSiteRole

Removes users from a Windows SharePoint Services site role.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateCustomerDatabase

Creates a database for a specified customer and optionally creates a customer directory structure on a specified share for data (mdf) and log (ldf) file.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteCustomerDatabase

Deletes a database for a specified customer and cleans up the specified file directory.

Windows-based Hosting::ModifyCustomerDatabaseFile

Modifies settings for a specified database.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateDNSZone

Creates a new Microsoft DNS database.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteDNSZone

Modifies settings for a specified database.

Windows-based Hosting::CreateResourceRecord

Modifies settings for a specified database.

Windows-based Hosting::DeleteResourceRecord

Modifies settings for a specified database.

Applies To

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.5

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 3.5

  • Windows-based Hosting for Applications version 1.0