Tip: Create an Ad Hoc Wireless Network
If you want to share information stored on your computer with other people nearby and everyone’s computer has a wireless network adapter, a simple method of sharing is to set up an ad hoc wireless network. In spite of the fact that members must be within 30 feet of each other, this type of network presents a lot of possibilities. For example, you might consider establishing an ad hoc network at a meeting of mobile computer users so that you can share information with other attendees on their own screens rather than an overhead projector. (After establishing the network, you can do this by using Windows Meeting, for instance.)
Ad hoc networks are by definition temporary; they cease to exist when members disconnect from them, or when the computer from which the network was established moves beyond the 30-foot effective range of the others. You can share an Internet connection through an ad hoc network, but keep in mind that the Internet connection is then available to anyone logging on to a computer that is connected to the network, and thus is likely not very secure.
To set up an ad hoc network:
1. On the Start menu, click Connect To.
2. In the Connect to a network window, click the Set up a connection or network task.
3. On the Choose a connection option page, click Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network, and then click Next. (This option only appears on computers that have wireless adapters.)
4. Read the ad hoc network information, and then click Next.
5. Provide a network name, select whether the network is open or requires authentication, provide a security phrase if necessary, and then click Next.
After Windows Vista sets up the ad hoc network, you have the option of sharing your Internet connection.
To disconnect from an ad hoc network, display the Connect To A Network window, click the ad hoc network, and then click Disconnect.
From the Microsoft Press book Windows Vista Step by Step Deluxe Edition.
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