Install Windows Management Framework
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP2, Exchange Server 2010 SP3
Windows Management Framework, which contains Windows PowerShell 2.0 and Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 2.0, is a required component that enables you to use the EMC and the Shell. You can install Windows Management Framework on computers running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP.
You don't need to perform this procedure on computers running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows Management Framework is already installed on these operating systems.
Looking for other management tasks related to Windows Management Framework? Check out Managing Exchange Management Shell Connections.
If you want to run the EMC or the remote Shell on a computer that already has Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 installed, you don't need to perform this procedure. Instead, for more information about how to open the EMC or the Shell with the Exchange management tools installed, see the following topics:
Exchange Management Console
Open the Shell
Before you install Windows Management Framework, you must uninstall all previous versions of Windows PowerShell and WinRM from the computer you are using. For instructions about how to uninstall Windows PowerShell and WinRM, see Uninstall Previous Versions of Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management.
You must be running one of the following operating systems to install Windows Management Framework:
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Windows Vista SP2
Windows Server 2008 SP1
Windows Server 2008 SP2
Windows Server 2003 SP2
Windows XP SP3
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "PowerShell and WinRM installation" entry in the Exchange and Shell Infrastructure Permissions topic.
Download Windows Management Framework to your local computer. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article 968930, Windows Management Framework Core package (Windows PowerShell 2.0 and WinRM 2.0). Choose the version that includes the Windows PowerShell and WinRM components, and applies to your operating system, system architecture, and language.
Before you install Windows Management Framework, verify that your computer meets all of the requirements listed on the download page for the package. For more information, see the installation instructions available from the Windows Management Framework download Web site.
Install Windows Management Framework. Follow the wizard to install the Windows PowerShell and WinRM components.
Set the Windows PowerShell script execution policy to allow unsigned scripts you created and signed scripts obtained from the Internet to run by doing the following:
Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Windows PowerShell, and then click Windows PowerShell.
If you're running Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2 and you have User Account Control (UAC) enabled, right-click Windows PowerShell, and then select Run as administrator.
If you receive a prompt stating Windows needs your permission to continue, click Continue.
This is the only time you should need to run Windows PowerShell as the administrator. When using Windows PowerShell to connect to an Exchange 2010 server, you don't need to select Run as administrator.
In Windows PowerShell, type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, and then press Enter.
Close Windows PowerShell.
After you install Windows Management Framework, you may want to connect to a remote Exchange 2010 server. For more information, see Connect Remote Exchange Management Shell to an Exchange Server.
If you want to use the EMC, see Exchange Management Console.
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