When you add a server to a database availability group (DAG), it works with the other servers in the DAG to provide automatic database-level recovery from database, server, or network failures. When you remove a server from a DAG, it's no longer automatically protected from failures.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Database availability groups" entry in the High availability and site resilience permissions topic.
DAGs use Windows Failover Clustering (WFC) technologies. Each Mailbox server that's a member of a DAG is also a node in the underlying cluster used by the DAG. As a result, at any specific time, a Mailbox server can be a member of only one DAG. Because DAGs use WFC technology, all servers added to a DAG must be running the same operating system: either Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise or Datacenter Edition, or the Standard or Datacenter Edition of Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2.
If you're adding Mailbox servers running Windows Server 2012, you must pre-stage the cluster name object (CNO) for the DAG. If you're adding Mailbox servers running Windows Server 2012 R2, and your DAG does not have an administrative access point, then you do not need to pre-stage a CNO, as DAGs without administrative access points do not have a CNO. For detailed steps, see Pre-stage the cluster name object for a database availability group.
This example removes the Mailbox server MBX1 from the DAG DAG1. Before running this command, make sure that no replicated databases exist on the Mailbox server.
This example removes the configuration settings for the Mailbox server MBX4 from the DAG DAG2. MBX4 is expected to be offline for an extended period, so its configuration is being removed from the DAG while it's offline to establish quorum with the remaining online DAG members.
This module provides instruction on how to create groups for distributing email to multiple users within Exchange Online. It also explains how to create groups to support collaboration in SharePoint Online.
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