How to Create a Monitor
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2, Operations Manager 2007 SP1
You can use monitors to determine the health state of an application component. Monitors are an integral part of the health model, as they are the "intelligence" of Operations Manager. They look at monitoring information and determine whether the application is healthy.
This topic will show how to use the authoring console to create a two-state event monitor.
This topic assumes that you are using the management pack created in the How to Create a Management Pack With a Discovery Using the Windows Registry Template topic.
Select the Health Model area in the authoring console main window, and then click Monitors in the navigation tree.
Find the class that was created in the How to Create a Management Pack With a Discovery Using the Windows Registry Template topic. This class name is AuthoringConsole.MyFirstMP.LOBApplication.
Right-click the class, click New, click Windows Events, click Simple, and then click Event Reset. The Event Reset Wizard starts.
In the Element ID text box, enter AuthoringConsole.MyFirstMP.MonitorConnectionState
In the Display Name text box, enter LOB Application connection state
In the Target drop-down list, click AuthoringConsole.MyFirstMP.LOBApplication
In the Parent Monitor drop-down list, click System.Health.AvailabilityState
In the Category drop-down, click StateCollection
Click Next.
On the Event Log (Unhealthy Event) page, leave Application as the name of the log for the unhealthy event, and click Next.
On the Event Expression (Unhealthy Event) page, set the Event ID equal to 201, and the Event Source to EventCreate, then click Next.
On the Event Log (Healthy Event) page, leave Application as the name of the log for the unhealthy event, and click Next.
In the Event Expression (Healthy Event) page, set the Event ID equal to 202, and the Event Source to EventCreate, then click Finish to create the monitor and return to the Monitors list.
Save the management pack by clicking File, and then clicking Save from the authoring console main menu.
View the properties for the monitor that was just created by expanding the monitor tree view (if necessary), right-clicking the monitor we just created, and clicking Properties, and then clicking the Alerting tab.
Click the Generate alerts for this monitor check box, select The monitor is in a warning health state from the Generate an alert when drop-down list, and then click OK.
Save the management pack by clicking File, and then clicking Save from the authoring console menu.
You have now created a two-state event monitor that will show the health state of the LOB application class.
How to Create a Management Pack With a Discovery Using the Windows Registry Template
How to Create a Rule