After You Import the Management Pack

Applies To: Operations Manager 2007

After the DNS MP has been imported, you might see a few of the following critical alerts in the Active Alerts view. This is an expected behavior and this simply means that you need to adjust certain parameters for some monitors by creating overrides to some of the parameters.

When you create overrides, make sure that you use a valid “host” that can be resolved by your domain DNS Servers, and change the querytype to NS, SOA or A depending upon the record types for that host on the DNS Server.

The following list shows you how to correlate alerts with monitors and the parameters that require additional custom configurations. You can find more details on the definitions of these parameters on the Knowledge tab of their Properties dialog box and in the Optional Configuration section in this guide.

Alert Monitor needs to be fine-tuned Override-controlled parameters

DNS 2003/2008 Server External Addresses Resolution Alert

DNS 2003, 2008 External Resolution Monitor

  • Host

  • QueryType

DNS 2003/2008 Resolution Time Alert

DNS 2003, 2008 Response Time Monitor

  • Host

  • Threshold

DNS 2003/2008 Monitor Zone Resolution Alert

DNS 2003, 2008 Zone Running Monitor

  • Host

  • QueryType

Global Zone Resolution Alert

Global Zone Resolution Monitor


DNS 2003/2008 Forwarder Availability Alert

DNS 2003, 2008 Forwarder Availability Monitor

  • Host

  • QueryType

WINS Connector Alert

DNS Library WINS TTL Monitor
