Could Not Negotiate an Appropriate Airsync Version with Server

Topic Last Modified: 18 August 2009

The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer sends an HTTP request using the OPTIONS verb to the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory on the server and analyzes the HTTP headers in the HTTP response. If the MS-ASProtocolVersions header doesn't contain 2.5 or 12.0, then the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool generates the following error:

"Couldn't negotiate an appropriate Airsync version with server."

For More Information

The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer currently supports Exchange ActiveSync protocol versions 2.5 and 12.0. If you're using Exchange Server 2003 SP1 or earlier, then this error doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. Rather, it simply indicates that the tool isn't able to properly test your server. Upgrade to Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 to get the ActiveSync v2.5 functionality.

The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer has limited documentation currently. To improve the documentation for each of the errors you might receive, we would like to solicit additional information from the community. Use the Community Content section to post more reasons why you failed at this point. If you need technical assistance, create a post in the appropriate Exchange TechNet forum or contact support.