Create Notification Subscriptions
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2
Subscriptions are designed to decrease the overhead of configuring and maintaining a notification. An Operations Manager 2007 administrator or user first creates a subscription for a notification. In the subscription, the administrator or user specifies all the formats and devices that send the notifications. Users can then subscribe to this notification. While subscribing to a subscription, operators can specify how they prefer to receive the notification from the available notification channels, such as by e-mail or instant message, and whether they would like a long or short message.
The following procedures detail the steps needed to configure a subscription so that users assigned the Operator role can subscribe to specified alerts. A recipient can be an individual user account or a distribution list. Before beginning this procedure you must enable a notification channel and then create a notification recipient. There are two procedures – one performed by an administrator and one by a non-administrator.
Before a non-administrator can subscribe to a notification, the user must provide subscription information (for example, address and notification channels). You can do this by clicking Tools → My Subscription Information and completing the wizard.
Open the Operations console with an account that is member of the Operations Manager 2007 R2 Administrator profile.
Select the Administration view.
In the navigation pane, right-click Notifications, and then select New subscription from the context menu. Use the Notification Subscription Wizard to create a notification subscription.
On the Create Notification Subscription page of the Notification Subscription Wizard, type a name to identify the subscription, optionally type a short description, and then click Next.
On the Subscription Criteria page, in the Conditions group box, select a condition, and then provide the criteria for the condition by double-clicking the underlined text displayed in the Criteria description box. Each of the descriptions has a unique Criteria description dialog box. Enter all required information to define the criteria for sending the notification, and then click OK.
In the Subscription Criteria dialog box, click Next.
In the Subscribers dialog box, click either New to create a new subscriber, or Add to select an existing notification subscriber that the notifications should be sent to.
In the Subscriber Search dialog box, click Search to display all available subscribers.
In the Available subscribers text box, click the subscriber you want to use, and then click Add to add the subscriber to the Selected subscribers box.
Click OK to close the Subscriber Search window.
In the Subscribers dialog box, click Next.
In the Channels dialog box, click Add to select the notification channel to use.
In the Channel Search dialog box, click Search to display all available channels.
Double-click the channel you want to use, and then click OK to close the Channel Search window.
In the Channels dialog box, click Next to view a summary of the subscription settings that you have entered, and then click Finish.
Click Close to close the Notification Subscription Wizard.
Log on to the computer with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Operator or Advanced Operator role for the Operations Manager 2007 management group.
In the Operations console, click Tools, and then click My Subscriptions.
On the Introduction page, click Next.
On the Groups page, if you want to limit the groups that receive notifications, click to select the groups. Otherwise, click Next.
If you want to filter notifications so that only notifications of selected object types are sent click Only classes explicitly added to the Approved classes grid are approved, and then click Add to create a list of object types. Click Next.
On the Alert Criteria page, verify that the wanted severity, priority, and resolution states are selected for notification. Verify that the wanted category is selected, and then click Next.
On the Alert Aging page, click Use alert aging as a notification criteria if you want to use alert aging, otherwise click Next.
On the Formats page, if you want to customize the format of the e-mail sent for notification click Use this custom e-mail format, and then define the custom e-mail format. Otherwise, click Finish.