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Active Directory Domain Services Performance Counter Availability

Performance counters for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) are collected and used to improve the performance of AD DS. If they are installed incorrectly or with improper permissions, those services or applications cannot collect or interpret the data.


Event ID Source Message


Microsoft-Windows-Essential Business Server

The Security Adapter object could not be found in Active Directory. A new security adapter will be generated.


Microsoft-Windows-Essential Business Server

Active Directory cannot be accessed to retrieve the performance data. Verify that Active Directory is running and accessible. The exception is %1.


Microsoft-Windows-Essential Business Server

An error occurred in retrieving some statistical data from Active Directory Domain Services. Windows Essential Business Server will refresh the data within 24 hours. Check again after 24 hours.


Microsoft-Windows-Essential Business Server

The program could not contact registered servers. The exception %1.


Microsoft-Windows-Essential Business Server

An unexpected error happened while pooling performance counter data and storing it in Active Directory. The exception is %1.

Performance Counters

Windows EBS