Adding a New Configuration

This section explains how to add a new configuration.

To add a Configuration, use the following steps:

  1. In the Admin Console, expand the root node <machineName> in the left-hand tree pane.

  2. Expand the Settings node in the left-hand tree pane.

  3. Click the Configurations Node.

  4. Right-click Configurations in the left-hand tree view and click New then Configuration. The Add New Configuration Wizard window will be displayed as shown below.

  5. On this welcome screen, click Next. The Add New Configuration Wizard (Step 1 of 1) screen will be displayed as shown and the administrator can enter the general details of the new configuration**.** Click Next.

  6. Dd632593.046c2d37-fa91-4c5e-b8fe-e2d431048538(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  7. Welcome Screen

  8. Dd632593.05af0409-8c0e-4f49-bb89-c1c5d6159407(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  9. Add a New Configuration Wizard Screen 1

  10. Type the Name of the configuration (mandatory field).

  11. Select the Type of the configuration from the drop down list.

  12. Type the Area to which the configuration belongs (mandatory field).

  13. Enter the configuration Value or click Build to form the value (mandatory field).

  14. Example of a configuration value:

  15. <Csr.Signer.Providers.SignerProvider defaultProvider="ApplicationSigner">
        <add name="ApplicationSigner" type="Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer.ApplicationSigner, Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer" />
  16. If the value of Type is a URL then the Build button will be disabled.

  17. Dd632593.52da4c03-c168-41e5-9c34-94a3076cf926(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  18. Build Configuration Value

  19. The Build Configuration Value window will be displayed as shown above. Depending on the type of configuration selected in Step 1 of the wizard, different fields will be active.

  20. The Configuration Action is the inner part of the configuration value xml string.

Example of a Configuration Action:

<add name="ApplicationSigner" type="Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer.ApplicationSigner, Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer" />
  1. To add a Configuration Action click Add.

  2. Dd632593.620ffc0d-de2d-48ec-8cfc-dd4dac2dbe63(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  3. Configuration Action

  4. The Configuration Action window will be displayed as shown above.

  5. The Action field is used to store the action of the configuration such as add, remove, or clear.

  6. The Name field is used to store the name of the configuration.

  7. Attributes are the attributes of the Configuration Action such as type, connection string, etc.

  8. Example of an Attribute:

  9. <add name="ApplicationSigner" type="Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer.ApplicationSigner, Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.Signer" />
  10. To add an Attribute click Add.

  11. Dd632593.f0cf8638-8986-4c65-b259-aa098e9141a7(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  12. Attribute

  13. The Attribute window will be displayed as shown above. The Name field is used to store the name of the attribute. The Value field is used to store the value of the attribute.

  14. Dd632593.6d12e525-7e9a-4aff-bff3-d253fa1e0897(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  15. Add New Configuration Wizard Screen 1

  16. Click Finish to create a new configuration.

  17. The administrator can cancel the creation of the new configuration at any time by clicking Cancel.