
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0


    Provides background information about the Background Intelligent Transfer
    Service (BITS).
    This topic provides information about BITS, BITS transfer types, BITS 
    transfer persistence, BITS transfer priority, the Windows PowerShell and
    BITS cmdlets, and BITS server configuration. This topic also provides 
    links to more information about BITS.

  About BITS

      BITS is a file transfer service that provides a scriptable interface 
      through Windows PowerShell. BITS transfers files asynchronously in the 
      foreground or in the background. And, it automatically resumes file 
      transfers after network disconnections and after a computer is restarted.
      Background transfers use only idle network bandwidth in an effort to 
      preserve the user�s interactive experience with other network 
      applications such as Internet Explorer. BITS does this by examining the 
      network traffic and then using only the idle portion of the network 
      bandwidth. BITS continuously throttles its use of the bandwidth as the
      user increases or decreases their use of the bandwidth. BITS performs 
      the transfers asynchronously, which means that your program or script 
      does not have to be running for BITS to perform the transfer. Both
      uploads and downloads are supported. BITS is particularly suitable for
      copying files from an HTTP location in an Internet Information Services 
      virtual directory to the logical drive of a client. Standard server 
      message block (SMB) copy operations are also supported. In addition to
      the scripting interface provided by Windows PowerShell, BITS provides a 
      set of COM APIs to allow programming access. 

  BITS Transfer Types

      There are three types of BITS transfer jobs:

          - A download job downloads files to the client computer.

          - An upload job uploads a file to the server.

          - An upload-reply job uploads a file to the server and receives a 
            reply file from the server application.

  BITS Transfer Persistence

      BITS continues to transfer files after an application exits if the user 
      who initiated the transfer remains logged on and if a network connection
      is maintained. BITS suspends the transfer if a connection is lost or if 
      the user logs off. BITS also persists the transfer information when a 
      user logs off, when network disconnections occur, and when a computer is
      restarted. When the user logs on again, when the network is reconnected, 
      and when the computer is restarted, BITS resumes the user's transfer 

  BITS Transfer Priority

      BITS provides one foreground and three background priority levels that 
      you can use to prioritize transfer jobs. Higher priority jobs preempt
      lower priority jobs. Jobs at the same priority level share transfer time,
      which prevents a large job from blocking small jobs in the transfer 
      queue. Lower priority jobs do not receive transfer time until all the 
      higher priority jobs are complete or in an error state. Background 
      transfers are optimal because BITS uses idle network bandwidth to 
      transfer the files. BITS increases or decreases the rate at which files 
      are transferred based on the amount of idle network bandwidth that is 
      available. If a network application begins to consume more bandwidth, 
      BITS decreases its transfer rate to preserve the user's interactive 
      experience. BITS supports multiple foreground jobs and one background
      transfer job at the same time.

  Windows PowerShell and the BITS Cmdlets

      Windows PowerShell implements BITS functionality through the BITS module
      for Windows PowerShell. The BITS module loads a set of BITS-specific 
      cmdlets. You can use these cmdlets to complete the end-to-end tasks 
      that are necessary to manage the transfer of files between computers.
      When the BITS module for Windows PowerShell is loaded, the following 
      BITS cmdlets are available.

          Cmdlet                  Descriptions
          ---------               --------------------------------
          Add-BitsFile            Adds one or more files to a BITS transfer.
          Complete-BitsTransfer   Completes a BITS transfer.
          Get-BitsTransfer        Gets a single or multiple BITS transfer.
          Remove-BitsTransfer     Deletes a BITS transfer.
          Resume-BitsTransfer     Resumes a suspended BITS transfer.
          Set-BitsTransfer        Configures BITS transfer jobs.
          Start-BitsTransfer      Creates and starts a BITS transfer job.
          Suspend-BitsTransfer    Suspends a BITS transfer job.
      To copy a file using BITS:

          1. Create a BITS transfer job by using the Start-BitsTranfer cmdlet,
             optionally with the Suspend parameter. 

          2. Add files to the BITS transfer job by using the Add-BitsFile 

          3. Start the BITS transfer by using the Resume-BitsTransfer cmdlet. 

          4. Check the status of the BITS transfer job by using the 
             Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet.
  Sample Commands
      A simple Windows PowerShell BITS file transfer command might resemble 
      the following command:
        C:\PS> Start-BitsTransfer https://server01/servertestdir/testfile1.txt c:\clienttestdir\testfile1.txt
      A slightly more complex Windows PowerShell BITS file transfer set of 
      commands might resemble the following command:
        C:\PS> Import-CSV filelist.txt | Start-BitsTransfer -TransferType Upload

  BITS Server Configuration

      Background Intelligent Transfer Services (BITS) server extends Internet 
      Information Services (IIS) to support throttled uploads that can be 
      restarted. To upload files to a server by using BITS, the server must 
      be running IIS 7.0 and Windows Server 2008. Additionally, the BITS server
      extension for the Internet Server Application Programming Interface 
      (ISAPI) must be installed. The BITS server extension is a subcomponent of
      IIS. To use the upload feature, create an IIS virtual directory on the 
      server where clients can upload files. Create a virtual directory for 
      each type of client. BITS adds properties to the IIS metabase 
      for the virtual directory that you create, and it uses these properties 
      to determine how to upload the files. For more information, see 
     "Setting Up the Server for Uploads" in the MSDN library at 

  More Information about BITS
      For more information about BITS, see the following topics in the MSDN
      (Microsoft Developer Network) library:
        - "Background Intelligent Transfer Service"
        - "About BITS"

    Online version: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=142218