Remote Desktop Services publishing solution guide
Updated: February 15, 2013
Applies To: Unified Access Gateway
Remote Desktop Services (RDS) facilitates the sharing of applications and desktops over the network, enabling users to access Windows-based programs that are installed on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) or the Windows desktop itself, from a range of computing devices. When you publish RDS through Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG), users can connect to an RD Session Host to do one of the following:
Run programs on that server using RemoteApps.
Connect to a physical remote desktop.
Connect to a remote desktop through Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
For more information about RDS, see What’s new in Terminal Services for Windows Server 2008 and What’s New in Remote Desktop Services.
Remote access is supported for clients running the Windows 8, Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 7, Windows Vista with Service Pack 2, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1, and Windows XP with Service Pack 3 operating systems. Endpoints must be running the Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) 7.0 or 8.0 client.
For computers running Windows Vista or Windows XP, see Enabling RDS on Windows Vista and Windows XP.
If an endpoint running the RDC client is issued a session cookie that is longer than 840 characters, the remote desktop connection fails. This usually occurs if customized code adds cookies, or if you have enabled single sign-on across multiple Forefront UAG sites.
This guide is intended for the Forefront UAG administrator who is responsible for publishing and customizing applications for end users.
This guide provides the following information about publishing RDS using Forefront UAG:
Overview of Remote Desktop Services publishing—Provides an overview of using RDS with Forefront UAG.
Why publish Remote Desktop Services with Forefront UAG?—Describes the benefits of publishing RDS via Forefront UAG.
Publishing Remote Desktop Services—Provides instructions for publishing RDS applications.
Customizing Remote Desktop Services publishing—Provides instructions for customizing RDS publishing.