How to upgrade a single-server management group


This version of Operations Manager has reached the end of support. We recommend you to upgrade to Operations Manager 2022.

When you upgrade a single-server management group, all the features that are installed on the server are upgraded. Before you begin the upgrade process, ensure that your server meets the minimum supported configurations. For more information, see System Requirements for System Center Operations Manager.

Upgrade a single-server management group

Follow these steps to upgrade a single-server management group:

  1. Sign in to the server with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager management group, a member of the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role, and a local administrator on the computer.

  2. On the Operations Manager media, run Setup.exe, and select Install.


    The Getting Started page displays information about what will be upgraded. Select Next to proceed with the upgrade.

  3. On the Getting Started, Please read the license terms page, read the Microsoft Software License Terms, select I have read, understood, and agree with the license terms, and then select Next.

  4. On the Select installation location page, accept the default value, enter a new location or browse to one. Then select Next.


    For System Center 2016 - Operations Manager, the default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2016\Operations Manager. For all later releases (1801, 1807, 2019 and 2022), the default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Operations Manager.

  5. On the Prerequisites page, review and address any warnings or errors that the Prerequisites checker returns, and select Verify prerequisites again to recheck the system.


    Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Search must be enabled on the SQL Server hosting the OperationsManager and OperationsManagerDW databases.

  6. If the Prerequisites checker doesn't return any other errors or warnings that have to be addressed, select Next.

  7. On the Configuration, Configure Operations Manager accounts page, enter the domain account or Local System credentials for the System Center Configuration and Data Access service accounts, and select Next.


    If you receive a message about using the wrong version of the SQL Server, or experience a problem with the SQL Server Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider, you can resolve this. Open a Command Prompt window by using the Run as administrator option. Then run the following command; replace the <path> placeholder with the location of Microsoft SQL Server:

    mofcomp.exe <path>\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof

  8. When the Ready to Upgrade page appears, review the upgrade summary, and select Upgrade.

Upgrade a single-server management group from the command prompt

Follow these steps to upgrade a single-server management group from the command prompt:

  1. Sign in to the server with an account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager management group, a member of the SQL Server sysadmin fixed server role, and a local administrator on the computer.

  2. Open an elevated command prompt by using the Run as Administrator option.

  3. Change the path to where the Operations Manager Setup.exe file is located.


    Use the /WebConsoleUseSSL parameter only if your website has Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) activated. For a default web installation, specify Default Web Site for the /WebSiteName parameter.


    The following commands assume that you specified the Local System for the Data Access service (/UseLocalSystemDASAccount). To specify a domain\user name for these accounts, you must provide the following parameters instead:/DASAccountUser: <domain\username> /DASAccountPassword: <password>

  4. Run the following command.

    setup.exe /silent /install
    /ManagementGroupName: "<ManagementGroupName>"
    /SqlServerInstance: <server\instance>
    /SqlServerInstance: <SQL server instance port number>
    /DatabaseName: <OperationalDatabaseName>
    /DWSqlServerInstance: <server\instance>
    /DWSqlInstancePort: <SQL server instance port number>
    /DWDatabaseName: <DWDatabaseName>
    /UseLocalSystemActionAccount /UseLocalSystemDASAccount
    /DatareaderUser: <domain\username>
    /DatareaderPassword: <password>
    /DataWriterUser: <domain\username>
    /DataWriterPassword: <password>
    /AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement: [0|1]
    /WebSiteName: "<WebSiteName>" [/WebConsoleUseSSL]
    /WebConsoleAuthorizationMode: [Mixed|Network]
    /SRSInstance: <server\instance>
    /SendODRReports: [0|1]
    /EnableErrorReporting: [Never|Queued|Always]
    /SendCEIPReports: [0|1]
    /UseMicrosoftUpdate: [0|1]


    If you want to upgrade a specific component, you can add /components: <component name1> [<, component name2>][ <, component name3>]

    After you've upgraded your single-server management group, you can upgrade the agents.

Verify the upgrade

Confirm the health of the management server

Follow these steps to confirm the health of the management server:

  1. In the Operations console, in the navigation pane, select Administration.

  2. Under Device Management, select Management Servers. In the results pane, you should see the management server that you installed with a green check mark in the Health State column.

Next steps

To understand the post-upgrade tasks you should perform to complete the upgrade to your management group, see Post-Upgrade Tasks When Upgrading to System Center Operations Manager.