
Gets a list of available test computers.


   [-ComputerID] <Guid[]>
   [[-ComputerName] <String[]>]


The Get-WASComputer cmdlet gets a list of all the test computers that are in the dep_nextref_was inventory. The list includes all the computer metadata.


Example 1: Get all computers

PS C:\> Get-WASComputer

This command gets all the computers included in the Windows Assessment Services inventory.

Example 2: Get all computers and output the data to a table

PS C:\> Get-WASComputer | Format-Table -Property ComputerName,ComputerId,Location,StatusMessage

This command gets all the computers and formats the output as a table.

Example 3: Get all computers that match a specific search string

PS C:\> Get-WASComputer *toast | Format-Table -Property ComputerName,ComputerId,Location,StatusMessage

This command gets all the computers with a name that matches the search string "toast", and outputs the data to a table.

Example 4: Get all computers with a specific ID

PS C:\> Get-WASComputer -ComputerId d52a668a-a138-48a6-8cdb-000000000000

This command gets a computer with a specific ID.

Example 5: Get all computers containing a specific device

PS C:\> $Computers = foreach ($comp in Get-WasComputer) { foreach ($device in $comp.Devices) { if ($device.Name -eq "Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter") { $comp } } } 
PS C:\> Format-Table -Property ComputerName,ComputerId,Location,StatusMessage -InputObject $computers

This command gets all computers that contain a specific device, and formats the output as a table.

Example 6: Get all computers running an action

PS C:\> Get-WASComputer | where {$_.CurrentAction -ne $null} | Format-Table -Property ComputerName,ComputerId,Location

This command gets all computers that are currently running an action, and formats the output as a table.



Specifies the Windows Assessment Services computer ID for the computer you want to get. If this parameter is not specified, all computers in the inventory are listed. You must use the computer ID that is recorded in the Windows Assessment Services inventory, not the computer GUID.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the computer that you want to get. This is the computer name recorded in the Windows Assessment Services inventory. This parameter is optional. You can also specify the computer name without the parameter. The full name of the computer isn't required. Wildcards are accepted.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False