
Adds assets and assessments to a specified job.


      -Assessment <WASAssessment[]>
      [-Job] <WASJob[]>
      [-Computer] <WASComputer[]>
      [[-Image] <WASImage>]
      [-Job] <WASJob[]>
      [[-UnattendFile] <String>]


The Update-WASJob cmdlet is used to add assessments, computers, and images to the job object in memory. After you add assets or assessments, you can invoke the job but you can't save it back to the dep_nextref_was server.

The AddAssessment parameter set adds assessments. The AddAsset parameter set adds computers, images, and unattended answer files. However, you can't combine these two parameter sets on the same command line.

The Job parameter is required, and either the Assessment or the Computer parameter is also required.


Example 1: Add assessments to a job and then run it

The first command gets the job and saves it as a variable. 
PS C:\> $job = Get-WASJob -JobName "Automated Job"

The second command gets the assessments and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $assessments = Get-WASAssessment -AssessmentName minifilter*

The third command adds the assessments to the job.
PS C:\> Update-WASJob -Job $job -Assessment $assessments

This command runs the job.
PS C:\> Invoke-WASJob -Job $job

Example 2: Add computers to a job and then run it

The first command gets the job and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $job = Get-WASJob -JobName "Automated Job"

The second command gets the computers and saves the objects as a variable.
PS C:\> $computers = Get-WASComputer -ComputerName *toast

The third command tells dep_nextref_was that no image deployment is necessary.
PS C:\> $job.ApplyImage = $false

The fourth command adds the computers to the job.
PS C:\> Update-WASJob -Job $job -Computer $computers

This command runs the job.
PS C:\> Invoke-WASJob -Job $job

Example 3: Add computers and images to a job and then run it

The first command gets the job and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $job = Get-WASJob -JobName "Automated Job"

The second command gets the computers and saves the objects as a variable.
PS C:\> $computers = Get-WASComputer -ComputerName *toast

The third command gets the image and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $image = Get-WASImage -ImageName *Consumer*

The fourth command tells dep_nextref_was to deploy the image to the computers.
PS C:\> $job.ApplyImage = $true

The fifth command adds the computers, and the image to the job.
PS C:\> Update-WASJob -Job $job -Computer $computers -Image $image

This command runs the job.
PS C:\> Invoke-WASJob -Job $job



Specifies a list of assessments to add the job. The assessments that are added use the recommended settings. If you create a custom assessment that does not include default assessment settings, the assessment could fail at run time.

To get a list of available assessments, use the Get-WASAssessment cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a list of computer objects to add to the job. To get the computer object, use the Get-WASComputer cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies that a predefined image is applied to the computers being added to the job. This means that you use a deployment method other than dep_nextref_was. The job holds the computer until the image is deployed to the computers.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the image object to apply to the computers being added to the job. This means that you use dep_nextref_was for deployment. To get the image object, use the Get-WASImage cmdlet.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the job to update. This is a required parameter. To get the job object, use the Get-WASJob cmdlet. The job you update can't be saved to the dep_nextref_was server.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the unattended answer file to use when deploying the image to the computer. The string is the path to the unattend file stored in the /relax/unattendfiles share on the dep_nextref_was server.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False