Management Reporter topics

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

This page provides links to help you locate the information that you need about Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

Information about the following Management Reporter topics is available on the web.

technet logoManagement Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics ERP contains information about components, information flow, and features for Management Reporter 2012.

technet logoAdministrators explains how to install or upgrade Management Reporter and configure the server connection. Provides procedures to help you set up security, set up company information, set up users and roles, and view log files.

technet logoApplication users contains information about how to use Help in Management Reporter, set user preferences, navigate through Report Designer, create and manage report components, and use advanced formatting options. Provides procedures to help you organize, generate, and view reports.

technet logoAdditional resources for Management Reporter contains links to printable guides, white papers, blogs, and other information that may be helpful as you use Management Reporter.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).