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Registering with Identity Providers


Applies To: Windows Azure Pack

To use a Windows Azure Pack deployment with Identity Providers the deployment has to be registered with the relevant Identity Provider. Microsoft, Facebook and Google each provide a means to register applications. Once complete, Identity Server can be updated with the identity provider Client Id and Client secret information created during registration. After updating Identity Server, the OAuth2 callback URL and WS-Federation Home Realm Discovery (HRD) urls from Identity Server are needed to configure the Windows Azure Pack management portal for tenants.

The Identity Provider registration links are:

Identity Provider





Registering an Identity Provider

Registering with Identity Provider requires the following steps.

To Register an Identity Provider

  1. Open the Identity Server website and select Application Integration.

  2. Note the OAuth2 Callback url; It will be needed during registration in the next steps.

  3. Open the required Identity Provider registration link. See above for the correct link.

  4. Fill in the Identity Provider registration form with required information.

    Note the Client ID and Client Secret for later use.

  5. Open the Identity Server administrator page, select Identity Providers from the Configuration pane, and click New to create a new Identity Provider.

  6. In the New Provider web page add the required information. Make sure to change Type from WSStar to OAuth2. For Client ID and Client Secret use the values noted in the earlier step.

  7. Click Create to create the Identity Provider.

The following is an example of a completed Facebook Identity Provider:

Facebook Identity in Identity Server

See Also

Windows Azure Pack Third Party Identity Providers