(RUS) Register sick lists and calculate compensation


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This topic describes how to register a sick list that indicates that an employee is temporarily incapacitated due to illness, injury, pregnancy, child care, or other reasons.

Sick lists can be registered only for those employees who are insured by the social insurance fund. After the Human Resources department processes sick list registrations, the payroll department can use the sick list registration details to calculate and pay benefits and compensation to employees. Social allowances or compensation for employees can be paid by one of the following three sources:

  • Social insurance fund: When the legal entity hires an employee, the employee is registered with the social insurance fund. When a legal entity pays an employee, the legal entity contributes a certain amount as insurance to the social insurance fund for any incapacity that might happen to the employee in future. When the employee is sick, the legal entity pays the social insurance allowance to the employee and reduces the contribution amount to the social insurance fund.

  • Federal budget: The federal budget pays an allowance to an employee, not for their inability to work, but for other reasons. For example, an employee who is a parent of a child with a disability can receive an allowance from the federal budget. The federal government can ask the social insurance authorities to fund the employee for the allowance amount. Later, the social insurance fund can raise an invoice for the allowance amount to the federal government.

  • Legal entity: The legal entity can voluntarily increase the allowance by paying it from the wage fund. This will compensate the employee for the difference between the social pay and the base salary. The benefit amount is divided across the payment period and the payment sources, such as the social insurance fund or wage fund. After the sick list is added to the salary, it is processed at the start of the sick list calculation.


The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.



Related setup tasks

To register sick list compensations, the following setup tasks are required:

  • Enter the work incapacity parameters for each type of work incapacity in the Sick list calculation settings form.

  • Set up the length of service in the Sick list calculation settings form to determine how long the employee is insured for, and how long the employer pays contributions to the social insurance fund. Also, set up excluded time groups to calculate child care allowances and maternity leave allowances.

  • Create rate codes to configure limitations of the social allowances calculation that is a percentage of the calculation based on the current seniority, usage of minimal monthly salary (MROT), and limitations of the base of the calculation of the social allowances.

  • Set up time codes for sick lists in the Timesheet general settings form. Mark the time codes as special time codes to make sure that the registering sick lists will automatically affect timesheets data. For more information, see the (RUS) Set up employee compensation parameters topic.

  • Set up work schedules in the Calendar form including the predefined seven day calendar. The selected calendar will be the official working calendar that is established by the government for each calendar year.

  • Set up rates and rate values for sick lists in the Rates and Set up rate values form.

  • Set up counters in the Counter setup form.

  • Set up the calculation method code for a specific employee in the Employee average earnings calculation method form.

  • Create social seniority codes in the Text fields form.

  • Set up calculation sequences for sick list payments and compensations in the Sequence of calculation form. For more information, see the (RUS) Set up calculation procedures for the payroll process topic.

  • Click Payroll (Russia) > Calculation procedures > Sick lists > Sick lists. click the timesheet update toggle button to the Timesheet update - Yes mode to update the timesheet automatically.

Register sick lists

To register sick lists, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Calculation procedures > Sick lists > Setup > General settings.

  2. On the Average earnings tab, specify Numerical parameters, Time parameters, and Bonus parameters.



    Base of calculation

    Select the identification code for the average earnings calculation base. The base includes pay types that are used in the average earnings calculation.

    Average earnings base

    Select the identification code for the average earnings calculation base. The base includes pay types that are used in the average earnings calculation.


    The average earnings base is applied for the average earnings calculation instead of base of calculation when there are no accruals available for previous calculation periods that are included in the base of calculation.

    Step-up ratio

    Select the rate that contains the ratio to index the average earnings during the calculation period.

    According to schedule

    Select a time group that defines the work time according to the schedule.

    Actually worked

    Select a time group that defines the time that was actually worked.


    This field is available only if you select By coefficient in the Calculation method of short month field.

    Absences from work

    Select a time group that defines an acceptable reason for an absence from work.


    This field is available only if you select Summary or Calendar in the Calculation method of short month field.

    On average

    Select a time group that defines the time during which the accruals that are entered in the Average earnings base field were made.

    Bonus base

    Select a calculation base that includes pay types that correspond with awards that are made for the period from the material incentives fund.

    Criteria of bonus accounting

    Select the criteria to specify the bonus accounting rules in the average earnings calculation.

    Select from the following options:

    • Maximum – The applicable number of bonuses that are for the maximum amount are used for the calculation.

    • Minimum – The applicable number of bonuses that are for the minimum amount are used for the calculation.

    • First – The applicable number of bonuses that are accrued first are used for the calculation

    • Last – The applicable number of bonuses that are accrued last are used for calculation.


    If the number of bonuses for a single reason exceeds the number that is allowed for the average earnings calculation, a single bonus is selected for the period, depending on the selected criteria. One twelfth of the bonus for the year prior to the event is included in each month that is entered in the average earnings calculation.

    Proportional calculation

    Select this check box to indicate that bonuses are included in the average earnings calculation in proportion to the days or hours worked.

  3. Click Payroll (Russia) > Calculation procedures > Sick lists > Sick lists.

  4. Click New to create a sick list.

  5. On the Overview tab, in the Type of incapacity field, modify the type of incapacity, if required. The Calculation method code field will be updated according to the selected incapacity type.

  6. In the Calculation method code field, modify the calculation method code to calculate the sick list average earnings, if required.

  7. Specify an employee code for which the sick list compensation has to be calculated, and the sick list document number.

  8. In the Number of previous sick list field, select the number of the previous sick list recorded for the current employee if the employee extends the existing sick list.

  9. In the Start date and End date fields, select the starting and ending dates for the sick leave period.


    If you have registered the incapacity type as Child rearing leave and included it in the payroll, you can modify the value in the End date field either manually or through a resolution of early end of childcare vacation.

  10. To calculate the sick list compensation you can use the following table to decide what type of calculation and timesheet parameters are necessary.



    Number of month

    Select the rate code that specifies the number of months to retrieve earnings and working time information for average earnings calculations.

    Calculation via funds

    Select the rate code that specifies the number of years to calculate the average earnings. This allows you to retrieve earnings and exclude day details for the average earnings calculation.


    If the displayed value is blank or zero, previous average earnings calculations (via prior months’ earnings) will be applied for this sick list.

    Calculation type

    Select By days or By hours as the calculation type.


    Select the average-earnings calculation principle for sick list compensation calculation.

    Select from the following options:

    • By salary rate

    • By actual salary


    The default value in this field is displayed from the Sick list calculation settings or Employee average earnings calculation method form for the employee.

    Additional payment from Wage Fund

    Select this check box to include additional compensation from the wage fund.

    Change years for calculation by application

    Select this check box to use the previous year to obtain the highest average earnings value when the employee submits the application.


    It is applicable only when the average earnings calculation for Calculation via funds is selected.

    Calculated by MROT

    Select this check box to allow part or entire sick list compensation to be payable by MROT method.

    Reduced to MROT

    Select this check box to reduce the employee’s payment to the minimum salary if the illness happens due to personal negligence.

    Treatment violation start date

    Select the treatment violation starting date for the selected sick list. This is the starting date from which the employee’s payment will be reduced to the minimum salary. For example, the treatment violation can happen due to employee’s violation of the medical treatment regime.


    This field is available only if the Reduced to MROT check box is cleared.

    Treatment violation end date

    Select the treatment violation ending date for the selected sick list.


    This field is available only if the Reduced to MROT check box is cleared.

    Name of person

    Select the name of the employee’s child for calculation of deductions, which include relative related allowances. You must select one of the following values in the Type of incapacity field:

    • Child rearing leave

    • Child care (out-patient treatment)

    • Child care (hospitalization)

    • Child care for child with disability


    Based on the birth date of the child, the end date for child rearing leave is calculated.

  11. In the Institution type field, select Customer or Vendor as the type of a medical institution.

  12. In the Institution Code field, select the identification code of the selected institution type that determines the medical organization.

  13. On the Calculation tab, in the Salary Report field group, you can modify the details of prior earnings, if required. You can also define the average earnings period, value, and source details. Based on the selected values, you can view the average earnings details and the recalculated allowance amount details in the Benefit due field group.

  14. Select the Add to salary check box to include the registered sick list in the current payroll calculation.


    You cannot modify the sick list once it is included in the current payroll calculation

  15. Click Calculation to define the criteria for starting the sick list calculation procedure to include the total benefit amount in the Payments and deductions registration form. Make sure that the sick list compensation calculations also depend on the following criteria:

    1. Rules that are defined for social seniority of the employee. You can define the sick list seniority compensation dates in the Worker form.

    2. The years of payment contributions to the social insurance fund.

    3. The period for which the employee is insured under the social insurance fund.

  16. Click Hours worked accounting to view the work hour details for the employee during the selected calculation period in the Resulting information about employee worked hours form. You can click Payroll lines and Bonus to view transactions that are used for average earnings calculations based on accruals from prior months, which are paid from wage and incentive funds, respectively.

  17. You can click Adjust storno to process the storno adjustment for the registered sick list number in the prior period’s documents.

If required: Perform storno adjustment and recalculate the sick lists

The recalculation of sick lists and posting of additional charges are performed if calculation parameters are modified prior to the end date of a sick list. When you use the Recalculation of sick lists form, a periodic operation occurs that reports the number of recalculated sick lists created, and compares the recalculated sick list with the initial sick list. Several recalculations may exist for one sick list.

To perform storno adjustment of the registered sick lists, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Calculation procedures > Sick lists > Sick lists.

  2. Select the sick list that is included in the payroll in one of the previous payroll periods, and then click Adjust storno. The storno sick list is created and automatically added to the current payroll calculation.

  3. Click Recalculation to recalculate the payroll and view storno transactions in the results of the payroll calculation.

To generate the sick lists details with storno adjustment details, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Periodic > Recalculation of sick lists.

  2. Click Select to open the Inquiry form, and then enter the selection criteria to recalculate the sick lists that are added to the salary. Click OK.

  3. In the Recalculation of sick lists form, click OK to generate two new recalculation sick list lines that are created for each recalculated sick list in the Sick lists form.

If required: Recalculate modified sick list details and print the sick list report

To recalculate and include the modified sick list details for the employee in the Recent transactions form, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Payroll calculation > Recent transactions.

  2. Click New to create a transaction.

  3. In the Employee field, select the employee code.

  4. In the Procedure code field, select the calculation procedure code for a sick list.

  5. Click Recalculate current to recalculate personal income taxes for only the selected employee.


    Click Recalculate all to recalculate personal income tax for all employees.

To print the sick list report, follow these steps:

  1. Select the registered sick list.

  2. Click Print to open the Sick lists report form.

  3. Select the Directly to printer check box to send the sick list details to the printer.

  4. Click Select to define the employee average earnings calculation criteria for the specified sick list number.

  5. Click OK to print the sick list report.

Next step

You have registered a sick list. Continue to register related payments, and then continue to manage pay statements. For more information, see (RUS) Generate pay statements.

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys

Click System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration. Select the CIS Payroll and CIS Staff administration configuration keys.

Security roles

To perform this task, you must have the following roles:

  1. Compensation and benefits manager

  2. Human resource assistant

  3. Human resource manager

  4. Payroll administrator

  5. Payroll manager

Security roles and privileges

To register sick lists and calculate compensation, you must be a member of a security role that includes the following the privileges that are described in the following table:




Maintain injuries and illnesses


Register sick lists.

Maintain injury or illness incidents


Maintain injury types


View injuries and illnesses setup


Recalculate modified sick list details and print the sick list report.

View injury or illness incidents


View injury types
