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Change the environment type

You may decide that your customization work developed and tested on a sandbox environment is now ready to go live. If you’ve placed your sandbox environment in administration mode, only users with System Administrator or System Customizer security roles are able to sign in to that environment. Once you change the environment type to production, all your users can access your organization. When you configure or edit an environment, you can change the environment from:

  • Production to sandbox
  • Sandbox to production

To change the environment type:

  1. Go to the Power Platform admin center and sign in using Environment Admin or System Administrator role credentials.

  2. From the left-side menu, select Environments, and then select an environment to change.

  3. Select Convert to production or Convert to sandbox.

    Convert to production.

  4. Select Continue.

    Select Continue.

  5. On the confirmation page, select OK.