Default Management Pack
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2, Operations Manager 2007 SP1
One of the management packs that is imported as part of the Operations Manager 2007 installation is the Default Management Pack. By default, when you create a management pack object such as a monitor, alert, or rule, it is saved to the Default Management Pack. You can choose to save the monitoring object to another management pack in the wizard that steps you through the creation of the monitoring object. In addition, when you create an override to customize a default setting in a sealed management pack, that override is saved to the Default Management Pack by default.
When an override to a setting in a sealed management pack is saved to the Default Management Pack, the sealed management pack becomes dependent on the Default Management Pack. If you need to remove the sealed management pack, you would first have to remove the Default Management Pack. This can cause a problem when multiple management packs are dependent on the Default Management Pack. As a best practice, you should save all changes to a management pack in a new management pack that you create for that purpose.