Configuring Reporting for VMM
Applies To: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1
In System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), reports are generated by System Center Operations Manager 2007, but they can be opened in Reporting view of the VMM Administrator Console. Until you configure reporting in VMM, the VMM Administrator Console does not display Reporting view, and the reports are not available in VMM.
VMM 2008 requires System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1. VMM 2008 R2 requires either Operations Manager 2007 SP1 or System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2.
Set up your reporting server in Operations Manager 2007 SP1 or later. For instructions for deploying reporting in Operations Manager 2007 or Operations Manager 2007 R2, see How to Deploy Reporting in Operations Manager 2007 ( For information about upgrading a reporting server from Operations Manager 2007 to Operations Manager 2007 SP1, see Upgrading from Operations Manager 2007 RTM to SP1 (
Complete basic Operations Manager integration with VMM. For instructions, see Configuring Operations Manager Integration with VMM (
To enable VMM administrators to view and use reports in VMM, add their user accounts to the Report Operator role in Operations Manager. For instructions, see How to Add Users or Groups to the Report Operator User Role in Operations Manager 2007 (
Log on to a computer that has the VMM Administrator Console installed, by using an account that is a member of the Administrator role in VMM.
Open the VMM Administrator Console, and then display Administration view.
In the navigation pane, click System Center, and then, in the results pane, click Operations Manager Reporting URL.
In the Actions pane, under Settings, click Modify.
To enable reporting, in the Reporting Settings dialog box, do the following:
Select the Enable reporting check box.
Specify the URL for the Operations Manager reporting server by using the following format http[s]://<OpsMgrReportServer>[:<port>]/<ReportServer>, where:
<OpsMgrReportServer> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your reporting server. The name of the reporting server cannot contain Unicode characters.
<ReportServer> is the name of the reporting server virtual directory (by default, “ReportServer”).
To find the URL for your reporting server, in the Administration pane of the Operations console for Operations Manager, click Settings. In the results pane, right-click Reporting, and then click Properties. You will find the URL in the Reporting server URL field.
Click OK. VMM will check for a valid report server and then save the settings.
After you configure reporting, you can verify that the reports are available in Virtual Machine Manager.
In the VMM Administrator Console, verify that Reporting has been added to the buttons beneath the navigation pane.
If you do not see a Reporting button, close and then re-open the VMM Administrator Console.
Click the Reporting button to display Reporting view.
If you do not see a list of reports in Reporting view, you may not have been added to the Report Operator role in Operations Manager. For information about adding members to the Report Operator role, see How to Add Users or Groups to the Report Operator User Role in Operations Manager 2007 (