CepStream.SelectMany<TInput, TGroupingKey, TBind, TResult> Method (CepGroupingStreams<TInput, TGroupingKey>, Expression<Func<CepStream<TInput>, CepStream<TBind>>>, Expression<Func<IKey<TGroupingKey>, TBind, TResult>>)


Supports adding query logic inside a Group and Apply.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


public static CepStream<TResult> SelectMany<TInput, TGroupingKey, TBind, TResult>(
    this CepGroupingStreams<TInput, TGroupingKey> source,
    Expression<Func<CepStream<TInput>, CepStream<TBind>>> bind,
    Expression<Func<IKey<TGroupingKey>, TBind, TResult>> selector
generic<typename TInput, typename TGroupingKey, typename TBind, typename TResult>
static CepStream<TResult>^ SelectMany(
    CepGroupingStreams<TInput, TGroupingKey>^ source,
    Expression<Func<CepStream<TInput>^, CepStream<TBind>^>^>^ bind,
    Expression<Func<IKey<TGroupingKey>^, TBind, TResult>^>^ selector
static member SelectMany<'TInput, 'TGroupingKey, 'TBind, 'TResult> : 
        source:CepGroupingStreams<'TInput, 'TGroupingKey> *
        bind:Expression<Func<CepStream<'TInput>, CepStream<'TBind>>> *
        selector:Expression<Func<IKey<'TGroupingKey>, 'TBind, 'TResult>> -> CepStream<'TResult>
Public Shared Function SelectMany(Of TInput, TGroupingKey, TBind, TResult) (
    source As CepGroupingStreams(Of TInput, TGroupingKey),
    bind As Expression(Of Func(Of CepStream(Of TInput), CepStream(Of TBind))),
    selector As Expression(Of Func(Of IKey(Of TGroupingKey), TBind, TResult))
) As CepStream(Of TResult)


Return Value

Type: Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq.CepStream<TResult>

A stream that can be used for further apply logic in the Group and Apply.

Type Parameters

  • TInput
    The payload type of input events.
  • TGroupingKey
    The payload type of grouping key events.
  • TBind
    The payload type of bound events.
  • TResult
    The payload type of result events.

See Also

SelectMany Overload
CepStream Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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