User-Defined Functions (StreamInsight)


The examples in this topic demonstrate how to extend the possible expressions in StreamInsight LINQ operators by using method calls to existing .NET functions or user-defined functions (UDFs).

By using UDFs, expressions of any complexity are possible. They can be used wherever ordinary expressions occur: filter predicates, projections, join predicates, and so on. However, be aware that such a method call is evaluated for each event. A user-defined function must be compiled into an assembly that is accessible by the StreamInsight server at run time.

The parameters and the return value of a UDF must be of one of the StreamInsight primitive types. Additionally, culture-related parameters are accepted for UDFs.

Use Cases

The following use cases illustrate ways that user-defined functions can be used to extend the functionality of StreamInsight queries.

User-defined Filters

You can create a user-defined filter operator that reasons about the incoming event and passes the event to the output or filters the event out. Such a user-defined filter may reason about user-defined data and may include complex or specialized logic in the process of event filtration.

User-defined Projects

Similar to user-defined filters, a user-defined project expression can produce a new payload value, whose computation is beyond the means of the provided expression functionality in StreamInsight.


The following example uses a user-defined calculation in a filter expression by applying the function MyFunc on the payload fields.

// Assuming the following input event type:   
public class MyPayload   
    public int id;  
    public int a;   
    public int b;   
    public double value;   
    var filteredStream = from e in stream  
                         where e.value > MyFunc(e.a * e.b)  
                         select e;  

The following example specifies the user-defined function MyFunctions.valThreshold in the filter predicate.

var filteredStream = from e in stream  
                     where e.value < MyFunctions.valThreshold(  
                     select e;  

The following example uses the user-defined function valThreshold, which takes a single parameter and returns a value.

public class MyFunctions  
    public static int valThreshold(int id)  
        switch (id)  
            case 1:  
                return 15;  
            case 2:  
                return 11;  
            case 3:  
                return 18;  
                return 0;  

A user-defined project function can be used like any other expression in a projection, as shown in the following example.

var result = from e in stream  
             select new { location = MyFunctions.Lookup( };  

In addition to taking built-in primitive types as parameters, user-defined functions can take culture-related information as parameters. The accepted types are:

  • CultureInfo

  • StringComparison

  • CompareOptions

The following example shows how to provide culture-specific information to a UDF.

// Assuming the following input event type:   
public class MyPayload   
    public int id;  
    public string name;   
var result = from e in stream  
             select new { location = MyFunctions.Lookup2(  
                 new CultureInfo("en-US"),  

The culture information can also be taken from an event field in the input stream, using the helper function CepUtility.GetEventFieldCulture as shown in the following example.

var result = from e in stream  
             select new { location = MyFunctions.Lookup2(  

See Also

Using Event Windows
User-defined Aggregates and Operators