Plan managed metadata (SharePoint Server 2010)
Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010
Managed metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define and then use as attributes for items in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.
The first articles in this chapter explain key concepts about managed metadata in SharePoint Server 2010. Additional articles in the chapter provide guidance about how to identify managed metadata for your solution, and how to determine the services and connections that you will need to implement your solution. The articles include:
Managed metadata overview (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article introduces the core concepts about managed metadata and then describes the way that you use managed metadata. The final section presents several benefits of incorporating managed metadata into your SharePoint Server 2010 solution.
Managed metadata service application overview (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article describes the managed metadata service and connections and provides an example scenario for using them.
Managed metadata roles (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article defines user roles and identifies the actions that members of each role can perform.
Plan terms and term sets (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article contains guidance about how you can identify information that should become terms and term sets.
Plan to import managed metadata (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article describes how to locate existing terms and term sets and prepare them to be imported into SharePoint Server 2010.
Plan to share terminology and content types (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article contains procedures for identifying the managed metadata services and connections that your SharePoint Server 2010 solution requires.
Multilingual term sets (SharePoint Server 2010)
This article describes the way that SharePoint Server 2010 supports defining and using managed metadata in more than one language.
Resource Center: Enterprise Content Management in SharePoint Server 2010