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BdcServiceApplication members

Represents an instance that is called by a client proxy and that is backed by its own distinct BDC metadata store. A server-side concrete instantiation of a Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service in a farm.

The BdcServiceApplication type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method BdcServiceApplication Initializes a new instance of the BdcServiceApplication class.



  Name Description
Public property ApplicationClassId Gets the unique class identifier for this application instance. (Overrides SPServiceApplication.ApplicationClassId.)
Public property ApplicationVersion Gets the version of the BDC service application. (Overrides SPServiceApplication.ApplicationVersion.)
Public property Database Gets the BDC database service object.
Protected property DefaultEndpointName Gets the default endpoint name. Always returns “http”. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.DefaultEndpointName.)
Protected property InstallPath Gets the install path. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.InstallPath.)
Public property ManageLink Gets the link of the user interface for administration that is used to manage the service application. (Overrides SPServiceApplication.ManageLink.)
Public property PropertiesLink Gets the administration user interface link that is used to view or edit the properties of the service application. (Overrides SPServiceApplication.PropertiesLink.)
Public property RevertToSelfAllowed Gets or set a value that indicates whether reverting to process identity is enabled as an authentication mode for BDC connectors.
Public property SqlConnectionRetries Gets or sets the maximum number of connection attempts to the database if database operations fail because of a failure to acquire necessary resources.
Public property TypeName Gets the user-friendly name used to describe the service application in the administration user interface. (Overrides SPPersistedObject.TypeName.)
Protected property VirtualPath Gets the virtual path. Always returns "BdcService.svc". (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.VirtualPath.)



  Name Description
Public method Delete Deletes the database and the BDC service application. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.Delete().)
Public method GetXmlSchemaForView Not implemented.
Protected method OnDependentProcessIdentityChanged Ensures that dependent process identities have access to the service application. (Overrides SPServiceApplication.OnDependentProcessIdentityChanged().)
Protected method OnProcessIdentityChanged Called when the process identity is changed. Grants db_owner access for the specified process identity to the BDC service database. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.OnProcessIdentityChanged(SecurityIdentifier).)
Public method Provision Provisions the BDC service application in the server farm. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.Provision().)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Unprovision Deprovisions the BDC service application in the server farm. (Overrides SPIisWebServiceApplication.Unprovision(Boolean).)


See also


BdcServiceApplication class

Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SharedService namespace