CommerceProfileModule Class (BCL)

This CommerceModule is responsible for initializing the Profiling System and creating a default ProfileContext class instance for the site. It also can create an expose an instance of the Commerce Server OLEDB provider that can be used for bulk profile operations.

This class is sealed.

**   Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceModule

Public Instance Constructor

Constructor Description
CommerceProfileModule Constructor Creates a new instance of the CommerceProfileModule class.


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Dispose (Inherited from CommerceModule) Releases resources used by this object.
Init(HttpApplication) Initializes the module and sets up the event handlers.
OnBeginRequest(Object, EventArgs) Sets the ProfileSystem property of the current CommerceContext instance equal to the default ProfileContext instance created during initialization of the module.


Public Instance Properties

Property Description
IsInitialized (Inherited from CommerceModule) Gets a Boolean that is set to True when the CommerceModule class instance has been initialized.


Public Static (Shared) Properties

Property Description
ProfileContext Gets the default ProfileContext instance created by the module.


Protected Instance Methods

Method Description
DeclareModuleDependency(Type, Type) (Inherits from CommerceModule) Declares a dependency on another CommerceModule class, by type.
DeclareResourceDependency(String, Type) Inherits from CommerceModule) Declares a dependency on a Commerce Server site resource.
Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from CommerceModule) Releases the unmanaged resources used by this class and optionally releases the managed resources.



Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

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