Using Business Desk Online Help

To access help from Commerce Server Business Desk, click Help. Help is displayed for any screen and any task for which you need assistance.

Business Desk offers both dialog box level help and task help. Dialog box level help describes the required entries in specific text boxes. Task help steps you through a specific task. Documentation written specifically for system administrators and site developers is also provided within Commerce Server 2000.

Printing Topics

Contents Tab

Index Tab

Search Tab

Glossary Terms

Printing Topics

  • Right-click the topic you want to print, and then click Print.

  • To print a pop-up topic, right-click inside the pop-up window, and then click Print.

  • To print all topics within a book, on the Contents tab, select the book. On the Help toolbar, click Options, click Print, and then click Print the selected heading and all subtopics.


  • Printing large illustrations could result in incomplete printing. If an illustration is very large, the right edge of the code or illustration might extend beyond the margin boundary and will not print.

Contents Tab

In the opening pane for Business Desk Help, click the Contents tab to view the table of contents for Business Desk Help. Click the name of any topic to view that topic or click the plus sign (+) to expand the topic. The topic appears on the right side of the Help window in the content pane.

To print the current topic or the current topic plus all the subtopics, click Ee783784.print(en-US,CS.10).gif. You can also click the Synchronization button to synchronize the table of contents with the content pane on the right. You will need to synchronize the table of contents with the content pane after you perform a search.

Index Tab

To view the online index for Business Desk, click the Index tab.

To search for a word in the Index

  1. In the Business Desk Documentation window, click the Index tab.

  2. In the Type in the keyword to find box, enter a keyword or phrase on which to search. The index automatically displays the closest word match contained in the index

  3. If you find a match, click Display and a Topics Found box appears listing the topics in which the word appears.

  4. To find the information you want, select the topic and then click Display. The topic appears in the content pane.

Search Tab

To search for specific keywords or phrases within Business Desk Help, click the Search tab.

To search for a keyword or phrase

  1. In the Business Desk Documentation window, click the Search tab.

  2. In the Search for box, enter a keyword or phrase on which to search, and then click Search. The results list appears in the content pane.

    You can use the Select type of search box to select a specific kind of search. By default, it searches for the exact phrase you type. You can select one of the following:

    Type of Search
    Exact Phrase
    Searches for the exact sequence of the words you type. For example, if you type Business Desk, the search returns only those topics that contain "Business Desk."
    Standard Search
    Searches for all forms of the words you type. For example, if you type Business Desk, the search engine returns all topics that have "business" and topics that have "desk."
  3. To display the topic you want to view, click the topic title.

The topic is displayed in the content pane.

Glossary Terms

When a Business Desk help topic appears in the content pane, you may see some words highlighted in green. You can click the highlighted word or words to display a definition for the term. You can also find an alphabetical listing of these terms at the end of the Business Desk table of contents under Glossary.

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