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Extending Commerce Events

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) log files track three types of commerce events by default when a Commerce Server Solution Site has been installed: campaign events, basket events, and order events. These three events are sufficient for tracking the site functionality included in the Solution Sites; however, if you extend your site functionality you might require additional events to track the new functionality. The sample described in this section extends the Data Warehouse to capture commerce events associated with a wish list, or registry, from which customers will add and remove items. The sample walks you through the creation of a new wish list class in the Data Warehouse, updating the CommerceEvent table to properly recognize wish list events, and then marking them appropriately in the log file. The new events can then be tracked in a report created by using either an SQL query or a new cube and an OLAP report.

The code in this sample is specific to the wish list scenario for the Retail or Retail2002 solution site, but the process for adding an event for any scenario is exactly the same. The code samples simply need to be customized to match your particular situation. The Commerce Server Retail Solution Site is available at The Retail2002 - International Retail Site is available in the Commerce Server 2002 SDK at <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Commerce Server 2002\SDK\Samples\ASPNET\Retail2002.

Ee783830.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Important

  • We recommend that you do not develop a production-quality site based on the Retail2002 Site. We recommend that you use the Commerce Server 2002 Starter Site to develop a production quality site. You can download the Starter Site from

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