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ListManager.GetLists Method (PIA)

Use this method to enumerate all lists known to the ListManager object.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting
Public Function GetLists() As Object


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting;
using ADODB26Lib;                              //For Recordset
public object GetLists();

Return Values

[Visual Basic .NET] If this method completes successfully, it returns a Recordset object that contains the details of the lists known to this instance of the ListManager object.

[C#] This method returns an object (typically an ADODB26Lib.Recordset) used to return the details of the lists known to this instance of the ListManager object.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.


[Visual Basic .NET]

This method returns an instance of a read-only Recordset object that contains a record for each list in the ListManager object database. The Recordset object does not contain any lists that are not completely created at the time this method is invoked.

If there are not any lists completely created at the time this method is invoked, the method returns successfully, but the Recordset object is empty.

The following table describes the fields returned in the Recordset object.

Field Type Description
list_id uniqueidentifier Identification number of the list.
list_name NVARCHAR [64] Name of the list.
list_created datetime Date/time the list record was created.
list_creation_type smallint Method used to create the list. Legal values are:

1 - CreateFromFile

2 - CreateFromSQL

3 - CreateFromDWCalc

4 - CreateFromSegment

5 - Other (subtraction, union, extraction, etc.)

list_description NVARCHAR [256] List description.
list_err_limit long The error threshold for the list.
list_flags int Bit flags for the list. Can bitwise OR together to specify more than one flag. Legal values are:


0x1 - HIDDEN


0x4 - USER



list_location NVARCHAR [256] Location (table name) where the list data is stored.
list_query NVARCHAR [1024] Query used to create the list.
list_recent_operid NVARCHAR [128] ID of the most recent list operation. May be null if the list is a new list created by the CreateEmpty method.
list_size int Number of rows in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_source NVARCHAR [512] Name of the file, connection string, or file name used to create the list.
list_status int Status of the list. Legal values are:

1 - ready for processing

2 - being processed; other operations are not permitted

3 - failed

list_unique_emails int Number of unique rcp_email values in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_unique_guids int Number of unique rcp_guid values in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_userflags int Application specific. Not used by the ListManager object.


This method returns an instance of a read-only ADODB26Lib.Recordset object that contains a record for each list in the ListManager object database. The Recordset object does not contain any lists that are not completely created at the time this method is invoked.

If there are not any lists completely created at the time this method is invoked, the method returns successfully, but the Recordset object is empty.

The following table describes the fields returned in the Recordset object.

Field Type Description
list_id uniqueidentifier Identification number of the list.
list_name NVARCHAR [64] Name of the list.
list_created Datetime Date/time the list record was created.
list_creation_type Smallint Method used to create the list. Legal values are:

1 - CreateFromFile

2 - CreateFromSQL

3 - CreateFromDWCalc

4 - CreateFromSegment

5 - Other (subtraction, union, extraction, etc.)

list_description NVARCHAR [256] List description.
list_err_limit Long The error threshold for the list.
list_flags Int Bit flags for the list. Can bitwise OR together to specify more than one flag. Legal values are:


0x1 - HIDDEN


0x4 - USER



list_location NVARCHAR [256] Location (table name) where the list data is stored.
list_query NVARCHAR [1024] Query used to create the list.
list_recent_operid NVARCHAR [128] ID of the most recent list operation. May be Null if the list is a new list created by the CreateEmpty method.
list_size Int Number of rows in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_source NVARCHAR [512] Name of the file, connection string, or filename used to create the list.
list_status Int Status of the list. Legal values are:

1 - ready for processing

2 - being processed; other operations are not permitted

3 - failed

list_unique_emails Int Number of unique rcp_email values in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_unique_guids Int Number of unique rcp_guid values in the list (-1 for dynamic lists).
list_userflags Int Application specific. Not used by the ListManager object.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: listmanagerlib (in listmanagerlib.dll)

See Also

ListManager Class

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