Reports contain no data

If your reports appear without data, the SiteUnfiltered shared dimension may have been deleted from one or more of the following cubes:

  • Bandwidth

  • Basket Events

  • Buyer Visits

  • OrderEvents

  • Users

  • Web Usage

  • Weekly Users Trends


If this dimension has been deleted, you must add the SiteUnfiltered shared dimension to the appropriate cubes in Analysis Manager.

To add the SiteUnfiltered shared dimension

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2000, and then click Commerce Server Manager.

  2. Expand the Analysis Servers node to <Server name>/<OLAP database name>/Cubes/<name of cube>/.

  3. Right click the name of the cube, and then click Edit.

  4. In the Cube Editor dialog box, right click Dimensions, and then select Existing Dimensions.

  5. In the Dimension Manager dialog box, in the Shared dimensions box, click SiteUnFiltered, and then click the right arrow (>) button.

  6. Click OK and then click save on the toolbar.

  7. Close the Cube Editor and then rerun the Report preparation (Commerce Server) DTS task.


  • You can also manually reprocess the cubes in Analysis Manager.

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