Discount Application Policies

Campaign managers can create and offer multiple discounts such as item-level discounts, order-level discounts, such as shipping discounts, which are used in combination with each other. For example, a basket may qualify for multiple item-level offers and order-level offers, and those qualifying offers may have one or more discount policies set on them.

Commerce Server uses the following policies where priority and interaction policies alone cannot determine the sequencing of your discounts.

Condition application policies

  • If disjoint = False, then Commerce Server assigns conditions against items that also receive awards.
  • Commerce Server uses up the items that can no longer be used as awards, unless it violates the previous policy.
  • If disjoint = True, Commerce Server prevents items assigned as awards from also being assigned as conditions.

Award application policies

  • Commerce Server satisfies the discount interaction policies that the campaign manager specifies.
  • If there is more than one item equally eligible for an award, Commerce Server chooses the item that has been discounted the most, which favors the merchant.

See Also


Discount Priority

Discount Conditions

Discount Awards

Multiple Discounts

Multiple Discount Examples

Disjoint Discounts

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