Administration Database Tables

The configuration data for Commerce Server 2002 resources that are supplied with Commerce Server is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database named MSCS_Admin. There are seven tables in this database that are important to understanding how the configuration data associated with custom resources can be maintained in this database, exposed through Commerce Server Manager, and deployed with Commerce Server Site Packager.

The following topics provide detailed information about these tables. For detailed information about securing the Administration database, see Securing the Administration Database.


  • Do not modify these core tables for any reason. They are provided here for reference.
Table name Description
ExtendedProps Stores the characteristics of resource properties (resource property schema).
PupDBScripts Involved in configuring the use of the GenericPuP object.
ResourceProps Stores actual resource property values, as defined in the ExtendedProps table.
Resources Defines actual resource instances, as defined in the SystemProps table.
SiteResources Serves as a lookup mechanism for all resources installed in a site.
Sites The starting point for retrieving data about a site.
SystemProps Stores the characteristics for resources (resource schema).

Retrieving the value of a resource property is a multi-step process. Start by looking up the site name in the Sites table. The Sites table leads to the SiteResources table, which leads to the Resources table, which leads to the ResourceProps table, where actual resource property values are stored.

You use the administration objects shown in the following table to access these tables, perform value retrievals, and set new values.

Object Description
GlobalConfig Provides methods for management of global resources.
SiteConfig Provides methods for management of site resources.
SiteConfigReadOnly Provides methods for faster retrieval of global and site resource property values.

See Also

Securing the Administration Database

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