Business Desk Configuration

Different instances of Commerce Server Business Desk can be configured to contain different categories and modules. This configuration is accomplished using a distinct set of XML files for each Business Desk instance. This set of files is comprised of a single master configuration file, named BizDesk.xml, and a series of module configuration files, whose names are variable but refer to the particular module or category with which they are associated. The XML in these two types of files is combined to create a particular configuration using moduleconfig elements in the master configuration file, each of which specifies a distinct module configuration file.

Multiple modules can be defined in a single module configuration file, or each module can be defined in its own module configuration file, or some combination thereof.

The order of category definition in the master configuration file, the order of module definition with a module configuration file, and the order in which module configuration files are defined as belonging to a particular category, define the order in which categories and modules appear in the navigation pane.

All of the configuration files for a particular site, both master and module configuration files, are located in the Config folder under the root folder of the site.

When the Business Desk application loads, it creates a Dictionary object structure that merges the information in the master configuration file and all associated module configuration files, and stores this structure in the Application object. Then, for each particular Business Desk session, this structure is filtered based on the role defined for the current user, creating a custom Business Desk navigation tree for that role.


  • Any manual changes to the master and module configuration files are not reflected in Business Desk until Internet Information Services (IIS) is reset or the Business Desk application is otherwise restarted.

A detailed explanation of the structures of the master and module configuration files is provided in the following XML reference topics:

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