Order Status Codes

The OrderGroup object represents a purchasing unit, and has a specific status. This status is stored in OrderGroup.value("order_status_code"), indicating whether the OrderGroup object represents a Basket (1), a Saved Order or Template (2), a New Order (4), and so on.

You can create new custom status codes by using the Orders modules in Commerce Server Business Desk. For example, you can create status values as Approved, Cancelled, and so on. The status codes for these values must be set to numbers that are powers of 2 (for example, 8, 16, 32).

The following order status codes are provided by default:

  • Basket status. The Basket status indicates an OrderGroup object that is in the process of being assembled and reviewed before the order is submitted. This status code is 1.
  • Template status (Saved Order status). The purpose of the Template status is to facilitate repeat purchases, such as in a grocery store site where the same items are ordered week after week. This status is equivalent to the Saved Order status. This status code is 2.
  • New Order status. The New Order status indicates an order that has been submitted for further processing (usually by the user clicking the Submit Order button). This status code is 4.

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