Bind URLs

OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server implements a Binder object that supports direct binding to the OLE DB Row object using the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) naming convention.

The following table lists the custom bindable URLs. Note that "ClassNames" is both the name of a URL and the name of a field in the returned record.

URL Description
ClassNames Returns a record with a ClassNames field which contains a collection of all the class names.
DimensionNames Returns a record with a ClassNames field which contains a collection of all the dimension class names.
FactNames Returns a record with a ClassNames field which contains a collection of all the fact class names.
RelationNames Returns a record with a ClassNames field which contains a collection of all the class relation names.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic example displays the name of each fact class. This functionality is not available in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) because rec("ClassNames") returns an array of Strings, not an array of Variants of String type.

Dim rec, conn, savNames, sName
Set rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record")
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

conn.Open "URL=mscop://INPROCCONNECT/Server=servername:" & _
 "Database=dbname:Catalog=dwschema:fastload=true:" & _

rec.Open "FactNames", conn

savNames = rec("ClassNames")

For Each sName In savNames
   MsgBox sName

Set rec = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing

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