OPP for Baskets

The Order Processing pipeline (OPP) that gathers basket information and computes the order subtotal.

The basket.pcf file is modeled on the plan.pct file (pipeline configuration template). For more information about the plan.pct file, see "Plan Pipeline" in Commerce Server 2002 Help.

Product Info Stage

This stage checks for product information and removes any unknown products.

The components included in this stage are shown in the following table.

Component Description
QueryCatalogInfo Retrieves catalog information for every item in the order form. Uses the Commerce Server 2002 Product Catalog System. Marks missing items for deletion and adds basket errors if necessary.
RequiredProdInfo Deletes any items marked for deletion and writes the appropriate error messages.

Merchant Information Stage

This stage retrieves and writes merchant information to the OrderForm object.

Shopper Information Stage

This stage retrieves and writes shopper information to the OrderForm object.

Order Initialization Stage

This stage sets the initial order information on the OrderForm object and verifies that the OrderForm object contains an order ID.

The component included in this stage is shown in the following table.

Component Description
RequiredOrderInitCy Initializes the OrderForm object to contain user information.

Order Check Stage

This stage verifies that the order can be processed.

The component included in this stage is shown in the following table.

Component Description
RequiredOrderCheck Ensures that the OrderForm object contains at least one line item.

Item Price Stage

This stage ensures that the _cy_iadjust_currentprice key for each item contains the most current price information.

The components included in this stage are shown in the following table.

Component Description
DefaultItemPriceCy Initializes the _cy_iadjust_regularprice key for each line item to store the most current price.
RequiredItemPriceCy Ensures that the _cy_iadjust_regularprice key for each line item is set.

Item Adjust Price Stage

This stage ensures that the _cy_iadjust_currentprice key for each item contains the most current price.

The component included in this stage is shown in the following table.

Component Description
RequiredItemAdjustPriceCy Validates that the price of the item is set and has not changed since it was added to the basket. If the price has changed, the error message "_Basket_Error" is returned.

Order Adjust Price Stage

This stage decrements the _n_unadjusted key, which is initialized to 'quantity' by the RequiredOrderInit component as line item units participate in discounts. The _cy_oadjust_subtotal key must be set to the price of the adjusted items.

The components included in this stage are shown in the following table.

Component Description
Order Discount Applies discounts scheduled in the Campaign Manager module in Commerce Server Business Desk to the shopping basket.
RequiredOrderAdjustPriceCy Adds any unadjusted items to the subtotal. Calculates the discount savings for each line item.

Order Subtotal Stage

This stage calculates the subtotal for an order.

The components included in this stage are shown in the following table.

Component Description
DefaultOrderSubTotalCy Sets the _cy_oadjust_subtotal key to sum of _cy_oadjust_adjustedprice key for each item.
RequiredOrderSubTotalCy Ensures that the _oadjust_subtotal key is available.

See Also

About the Basket Feature for Solution Sites


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