Miscellaneous Routines


The following miscellaneous utility routines are defined in this file:

  • ConvertListToArray
    This function converts a SimpleList object to an array.
  • CreateSet
    This function creates a set from an array of items.
  • DoubleQuote
    This function applies double quotes to a string.
  • FormatOutput
    This function formats a string, replacing variables in the sTemplate parameter of the form %1, %2, and so on, with strings supplied in the arrArgs array parameter.
  • GetAddressPage
    This function returns the name of the page used to enter or select an address. If the user is an anonymous user or if address book functionality is disabled, the name of the address form page is returned. Otherwise, the name of the address book page is returned.
  • GetArrayFromList
    This function creates and returns an array containing the items in the specified SimpleList object.
  • GetDictionary
    This function creates and returns a Dictionary object.
  • GetDiscountDescription
    This function searches the content list and returns the description of the discount that has been applied to the item.
  • GetErrorSource
    This function returns the site and function names of the error source.
  • GetFileSystemObject
    This function creates and returns a Scripting.FileSystemObject object.
  • GetKeyValue
    This function returns the value part of a key/value pair line in an INI file.
  • GetListItemIndex
    This function returns the index of the specified item in the list.
  • GetObjectInstanceDictionary
    This function creates and returns a Dictionary object. The Dictionary object contains an item called "Dictionary" that contains an empty Dictionary object. The Dictionary object also contains an item called "SimpleList" that contains an empty SimpleList object.
  • GetQualifiedName
    This function constructs a qualified name from the group name and fieldname, resulting in a string of the form sGroupName.sFieldName.
  • GetRecordCount
    This function returns the number of records in the specified Recordset object.
  • GetRegExp
    This function creates and returns the VBScript.RegExp object.
  • GetSimpleList
    This function creates and returns a SimpleList object.
  • htmRenderCurrency
    This function renders a monetary value, using the base currency setting. It will also render the monetary value and the alternate currency for the site (for example, the Euro) depending on the settings of the site.
  • IsBitValueSet
    This function determines whether every bit in the iBitValue parameter is also set in the iValue parameter, returning True if so, and False otherwise.
  • IsEntityInArray
    This function determines whether the string specified by the sEntity parameter is equal to one of the strings in the array specified by the arrItems parameter, returning True if so, and False otherwise.
  • IsEntityInList
    This function determines whether the string specified by the sEntity parameter is equal to one of the strings in the SimpleList object specified by the list parameter, returning True if so, and False otherwise.
  • IsEntityInSet
    This function determines whether the string specified by the sEntity parameter is equal to one of the substrings in the comma-separated string specified by the sSet parameter, returning True if so, and False otherwise.
  • IsNumberInRange
    This function determines whether the number specified by the iNumber parameter is in the range specified by the iMin and iMax parameters (inclusive), returning True if so, and False otherwise.
  • RsToDict
    This function creates a new Dictionary object and populates it with the fields of the current record in the passed Recordset object. The field names are used as the dictionary keys, and the field values are assigned to the corresponding keys.
  • SortDictionaryKeys
    This function sorts the keys for a Dictionary object and puts the result into a SimpleList object.

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