Changing the Names of Servers

It is strongly recommended that server names not be changed after you install Commerce Server 2000. If you must change the NetBIOS name of a server, you should uninstall Commerce Server, change the name, restart the server, make sure the platform is configured correctly, and then reinstall Commerce Server.

Commerce Server names the connection strings between resources based on the server names. If you change a name, the connections between resources might break. You will need to change these connection strings manually in Commerce Server Manager.

The Predictor, Commerce Server Direct Mailer, and Profiles global resources have display names containing the server name on which they were created. If you change the name of the server, you can use Commerce Server Setup to remove and then reinstall Predictor and Direct Mailer. You can use Commerce Server Site Packager to create a newly named Profiles global resource. You then must change the reference property in the Profiles global resource pointer for all sites that were using that Profiles global resource.

When you use Microsoft Application Center 2000 to reload an application onto a renamed Web server, the JoinWebFarm function, called by the Global.asa file during the Application_OnStart event, will create a new Web server node in the Administration database. You must use Commerce Server Manager to delete the old server name from the site.

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