Passport Integration Features

The International Retail Site automatically displays the Passport login button if Microsoft Passport is correctly installed and configured on the server. When the user creates a new account and is authenticated by Passport, the site retrieves the available profile properties from Passport and uses them in the user profile maintained in Commerce Server for that user. This transfer of profile properties is done only once, at new account creation. The site does not maintain any synchronization of profile properties between Commerce Server profiles and Passport profiles.


  • Passport does not support cookieless mode. If a user logs in with Passport in cookieless mode, they will be directed to the myaccount page as expected. However, when the user logs out they will not actually do so. Although the web site will display the correct log-out links, the user can go back to the site and log in again without having to enter their credentials. Currently, the best practice is to remove the ability of cookieless users to use Passport on your site.

See Also

Security Features in the International Retail Site

Enabling Passport

Integrating with Passport

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