CatalogToVendorAssociation Object


Use this object to associate catalogs with vendors.

ProgID:   Commerce.CatalogToVendorAssociation (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CatalogToVendorAssociation
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Catalog Vendor Association Type Library
DLL Name:   CatalogVendorAssociation.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

The methods of the CatalogToVendorAssociation object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
GetVendorInfoForCatalog Returns information about the vendor associated with the specified catalog.
GetVendorList Returns a list of vendors available for association with catalogs.
Initialize Initializes a CatalogToVendorAssociation object by connecting to the appropriate database.
SpecifyVendorForCatalog Associates the specified vendor and catalog.
UnspecifyVendorForCatalog Disassociates the specified vendor and catalog.

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