CatalogToVendorAssociation Object


Use this object to associate catalogs with vendors.

ProgID:   Commerce.CatalogToVendorAssociation (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CatalogToVendorAssociation
COM Interface Name:   _CatalogToVendorAssociation
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Catalog Vendor Association Type Library
DLL Name:   CatalogVendorAssociation.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

In C++, use the _CatalogToVendorAssociation interface to access the properties and methods of the CatalogToVendorAssociation object.

The methods of the CatalogToVendorAssociation object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
GetVendorInfoForCatalog Returns information about the vendor associated with the specified catalog.
GetVendorList Returns a list of vendors available for association with catalogs.
Initialize Initializes a CatalogToVendorAssociation object by connecting to the appropriate database.
SpecifyVendorForCatalog Associates the specified vendor and catalog.
UnspecifyVendorForCatalog Disassociates the specified vendor and catalog.

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