Implementing the IPipelineComponent Interface

All pipeline components must implement the IPipelineComponent interface. This interface is defined as follows:

// IPipelineComponent

STDMETHOD (Execute) (
    IDispatch*  pdispOrder,
    IDispatch*  pdispContext,
    LONG        lFlags,
    LONG*       plErrorLevel);

STDMETHOD (EnableDesign) (BOOL fEnable);

When the pipeline creates an instance of a component, it requests an interface pointer on the IPipelineComponent interface of the component, and then uses that pointer to call the Execute method of the component. The pipeline passes the component an IDispatch interface pointer on the OrderForm object being passed through the pipeline, and an IDispatch interface pointer on the pipe context of the site. The pipe context is a Dictionary object that contains references to various contextual pieces of information for the site, such as connection strings and cache references.

The IPipelineComponent interface is among the interfaces for which the ATL Pipeline Component Wizard adds method definitions and implementation stubs when you add an object to your project. To implement the IPipelineComponent::Execute method for your component, open the .cpp file, and modify the default implementation provided by the ATL Pipeline Component Wizard.

See Also

Deciding Which Interface to Expose

Enhancing Component Usability

Registering the ATL Component

Active Template Library

MinMaxShip Sample Pipeline Component

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