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Help Topics

To specify a help topic for a particular action page with a module, provide the name of the HTML file containing the help topic as the value of the helptopic attribute of the appropriate action element in the appropriate module configuration file. This file must exist in the docs/htm folder.

When new help topics are added to the docs/htm folder, you can also add corresponding entries to the file Bizdesk.hhc in the docs folder. This will allow the new topics to appear in a particular location within the help system table of contents. Any new index entries related to the new topics can be added to the file Bizdesk.hhc, located in the same folder.


  • Extreme care should be used when making additions to the .hhc and .hhk files so that the existing table of contents and index entries are not disturbed.

Dialog boxes can also have help displayed from a button to the right of the OK and Cancel buttons. When this button is clicked, call the OpenHelp routine with the name of the HTML file containing the help topic in question. This file must exist in the docs/htm folder.

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