Currency Overview

Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition uses long (32-bit) integers to represent money values in the base monetary unit of a locale. The base monetary unit is the smallest denomination of a currency, for example, US pennies. This representation set a relatively low limit on the maximum value that could be represented.

Commerce Server 2000 supports the OLE automation currency data type for monetary values. This representation allows for larger values as well as allowing up to four decimal places (internally the data type is a 64 bit integer scaled by 10000). Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition used an integer representation ($1.99 needed to be stored as 199). Commerce 2000 uses a direct decimal representation ($1.99 is stored as 1.99).

Commerce Server 2000 retains the Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition representation, as well as providing the higher-precision representation. Two different types of keys in the dictionaries depict the two representations. When a key has a high-precision currency value assigned to it, the key is prefixed with "cy_". The prefix follows any other prefix in the key name. For example, the high-precision currency version of the key _oadjust_adjustedprice is _cy_oadjust_adjustedprice.

See Also

Currency Modes


New Data Functions

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