OrderPipeline Class (PIA)

Use this object to run a Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 Content Selection pipeline. Order Processing pipelines (OPP) should generally use a PooledPipeline, PooledTxPipeline, MtxPipeline, or MtsTxPipeline object.

Ee799139.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Note

  • The OrderPipeline object should be used in Content Selection pipelines because Content Selection pipelines do not require transactions and because the OrderPipeline is fully re-entrant by multiple threads. Other objects, such as MtsPipeline and MtsTxPipeline, must be used once, destroyed, and re-created by each thread due to the rules of COM+ transactions.


Method Description
LoadPipe Loads a pipeline configuration file (.pcf) into the pipeline.
OrderExecute Runs the components in the pipeline.
SetLogFile Identifies the file in which to log pipeline events.


The OrderPipeline object creates and executes an Order Processing pipeline (OPP). The OrderPipeline object is not registered under Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).

The OrderPipeline object is usually created in the Global.asax file and put into an application collection.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: pipelinelib (in pipelinelib.dll)

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